
2023 elections and the imperative of divine timing   

by Church Times


By  Gbemiga OLAKUNLE, JP


 I had the privilege of attending an elderly neighbour’s Service of Songs early this year and the Preacher spoke on the above topic which I felt strongly that  I should share with us through this medium.

According to the Minister, we must pray to recognise Divine Timing. GOD has His Timing and He acknowledges timing.  A journey of 11 days took the children of Israel 40 years because they didn’t understand GOD’S Timing.

If a man misses his ordained timing, he would be forced to labour and he would be embarrassed. The person will also experience failed attempts at recording some achievements or desired goals.

There’s a popular saying that GOD’S time is the best and we are therefore advised not to use another person’s timing to run our race. As a matter of fact, our Marking Schemes are not the same. When a man arrives before his timing, he will expire before the time of his rising. And so one must be sensitive to know his or her divine timing.

This is because, at such a time, the Devil can create some activities to distract the person’s attention from his ordained assignment. When a person recognizes his or her divine timing and keys into it, there shall be divine backings and provisions.

The same applies to a nation. Any nation that misses its divine timing may well have to grope in the dark for a while. That is exactly what happened to the children of Israel. It is interesting that God told Abraham that his seeds will live in a land not their own for a period of 400 years (Genesis 15v13). The implication is that God had timing in mind even for our affliction. It took Daniel to know by books that the desolation of Israel will last 70 years.

This is clear proof that God has time for everything that happens to us good or bad. But then, we will need to cooperate with God not to miss the timing for our emancipation.

As we have entered the year of General Elections in Nigeria, may we not miss our opportunity of getting a Saviour and not just electing a President or a group of politicians to rule over us in JESUS’ Name.

May we also recognise our timing for Political deliverance in this Nation and walk into it when the opportunity/ chance beckons on us in JESUS’ Name.

This year 2023, GOD will help us to be sensitive and be able to recognize the signals that will enable us to choose leaders whom GOD will use to pilot the affairs of this Nation aright in JESUS’ Name. Nigeria will recognise GOD’S Timing for our political emancipation and our Nation shall not go under in JESUS’ Name.

Nigeria shall survive and fulfil her destiny as a Super Power in the Comity of Nations in JESUS’ Name. “Thou (GOD) shall arise, and have mercy upon Zion (Nigeria): for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. “- Psalm 102: 13, KJV.


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