December 21: Africa’s day of fasting, prayer, and repentance

by Church Times

” So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.

 But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

 And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not”.(Jonah 3:5,8 &10).

This is a special invitation to join us and millions of people across the globe on the 21st of December, a day of fasting, prayer and repentance for African redemption.

Wherever you find yourself on that day, among a group, or alone, it is important you link up with us on this prayer.

 Amazing Bible prophecy for Africa: “Princes shall come out of Egypt (Africa); Ethiopia (Africa), shall soon stretch out her hands unto God” (Psalms 68:31).

*End -Time Prophecy For Africa.*

The redeemer of mankind; Jesus Christ, will reveal Himself to the African race. Africans will forsake their idols, spirits and gods.

There will be a mighty work of intercession, prayer, confession, repentance, supplication rising up to our Heavenly Father for Mercy for all African lands and the black race.

As a result of this mighty work of repentance, fasting, prayers and Intercessions, there would be an emergence of a mighty Army of gospel preachers and workers raised, trained and released with great power and authority by the Holy Spirit to overcome these demonic spirits leading to the redemption of Africa.

Out of Africa, the Gospel of Christ, will go out to the nations of the world. Africa will fulfill it’s end-time destiny of reviving the world before the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The Kingdom of God will experience the greatest harvest of souls in the history of the world. This move will usher in, the end of the age and the second coming of Jesus Christ in His glory for the rapture of His Bride.

*The vision of African redemption and how Africa day of prayer was birthed?*

In 2006 I saw a vision on December 21st, 2006 during my long period of fasting and prayer that the gospel of the kingdom would reach out, to all the unreached in Nigeria and the continent of Africa.

While I was travailing in prayers with a deep burden in my heart, reading out several words from the Bible to remind God of His plans and promises of a revival and the salvation of perishing souls. l saw the national flags of all African nations, each connected through long iron poles.

 All of a sudden, these flags began to fly high, one after the other, beginning from Nigeria to the last nation of Africa.

The next thing I saw was “AFRICAN REDEMPTION” boldly written in capital letters across these flying flags.  As I lifted up my eyes to the sky, I saw our Lord Jesus Christ dressed in sparkling white robe with a red tape across His shoulder gradually coming down from heaven to where the flags were.

He was full of joy and happiness, then He said Isaiah 19:21.  “And the Lord shall be known to Egypt, Africa, and the Egyptians; Africans, shall know the Lord in that day, and shall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it”.

From this prophetic vision and the word of God, I believe strongly if we turn back to God in repentance, fast and pray fervently that God will show mercy on Africans, and her lands to redeem it from idolatry and all forms of corruption.

Also, I trust God, that He will establish His kingdom in the hearts of Africans and her lands (not only in Egypt) in this generation; and He is calling us to fervent prayers with fasting and genuine repentance for the move of the Holy Spirit

For more details on visions on Africa check the link: l


*Do you know that many in Africa have not yet heard the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ?.*

Population of Africa (2022)-


The current population of Africa is 1,416,273,537 as of Friday, November 11, 2022, based on the latest United Nations estimations.

Christianity in Africa. Wikipedia:

As of 2022, Christianity formed 49% of the Continent’s population, with Muslims forming 42%…

*Population of unreached people groups in Africa.*

Unreached people groups in Africa in the Sahel Zone, that stretches from the Atlantic to the Nile dividing the Sahara from the forested regions to the South with a very different Culture, we have 592 unreached people groups alone. Many in Africa have not yet heard the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 *It is time to go to the altar of prayer for the conquest of Africa for Christ and salvation of the remaining millions of un-saved Africans.*

There is a great satanic oppression and onslaught in the continent of Africa today. And until we cry out to God for salvation, there will be no deliverance from our oppressors. There will be no healing, no redemption and no awakening and sweeping revival for the salvation of millions of Africans who are dying each day, sliding to hell for eternity.

Idolatry, false religions, occultism, Jihad-war, corruption, witchcraft and materialistic gospel, stand as major strongholds that is firmly rooted in the soils of Africa. These things have been hindering God’s agenda and the long awaited promise of a great revival for African redemption. And for Africa to revive the world.

It is time for God’s Army to rise up and pray fervently with fasting, repenting of our personal sins and continental sins. This would release mercy and power to Africa for our deliverance and for a sweeping revival of millions of Africans into His Kingdom.

The hidden strength of Satan’s principalities and their stronghold in Africa is revealed to being, as a result of a strong covenant binding Africa to them. Satan, is using this to hinder the redemption of Africa and her prophetic destiny in God’s end-time agenda.

It is time we realize that Africa is in a great war with Satan and the hosts of darkness to keep Africa in perpetual bondage and to truncate her destiny.

It is time to follow the principles and standards of getting God’s attention; intervention and power. The saints of the old used these principles to prevail against satan and set his captives free. They are the principles of Fervent Prayers, Fasting and Repentance.

It is time for God’s Army to put Satan in remembrance of Christ’s victory over him. And the dominion, Christ has over nations of the world.

It is time for us to judge all the powers and demons ruling supreme over the soul of Africa.

It is time for the churches in Africa to once again experience a great revival.

It is time to neutralize, judge all satanic institutions, organizations and influences on Africans.

It is time for the Gospel’s light to shine in all dark places of Africa.

It is time for all Christian labourers and missionaries who have been sent out of the mission fields by Jihadists, to return and many more to be raised for the total redemption of Africa.

It is time for the reopening of the mission houses and agencies and the establishment of more in Africa.

It is time for the unity of the church. It is time for an army of prayer warriors to raise up their voices in prayers unto Jesus Christ, the redeemer of the world.

The purpose of the prayers will be for him to visit and cleanse from the lust of material possessions and idolatrous worship. We will ask him to raise new foundations of righteousness, holiness. And a total change to kingdom messages in the churches and nations of Africa like what obtained in the apostolic age.


Prophetic and strategic prayer points for the redemption of Africa:

  1. Plead the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the cross, for the atonement of the sins of idolatry, abominations, apostasy, wars, corruption, injustice, killings, and other evils that is ravaging African nations and the Church.
  1. Pray to force open all the nation’s doors that are closed against the gospel, for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and harvest of souls into the Lord’s kingdom in Africa
  1. Ask God to raise and release many more labourers, gospel preachers, teachers, gospel sponsors, Intercessors for the redemption and transformation of African nations; the lost and perishing souls of Africa.
  1. Pray for the spiritual and physical needs of the persecuted Christians all over Africa and ask God to strengthen and encourage them, by meeting all their needs and for their labour to be fruitful.
  1. Ask God to pour out His fresh move of the Holy Spirit and revival power upon all the nations, territories and areas of Africa today.
  1. Pray that your prayers and that of others, for the same purpose and burden today will be effective in Africa.
  1. Acts 12:5. please pray daily for me, my ministry, family and vision’s supporters that we may fulfill our ministry mandate. Also pray for protection, favour, wisdom, provision, strength, direction, open doors and above all, for His grace that we may also inherit eternal life.


  *Pray for revival in every nation of Africa.* Psalms.2:8 ;Acts.2:17 -21 .

(1)    Pray for revival in Algeria

(2)    Pray for revival in Angola

(3)    Pray for revival in Benin

(4)    Pray for revival in Botswana

(5)    Pray for revival in British Indian ocean

(6)    Pray for revival in Burkina Faso

(7)    Pray for revival in Burundi

(8)    Pray for revival in Cameron

(9)    Pray for revival in Cape Verde islands

(10)    Pray for revival in Central Africa Republic

(11)    Pray for revival in Chad

(12)    Pray for revival in Comoros

(13)    Pray for revival in Congo – DRC

(14) Pray for revival in Cote D’Ivoire

(15) Pray for revival in Djibouti

(16) Pray for revival in Egypt

(17) Pray for revival in Equatorial Guinea

(18) Pray for revival in Eritrea

(19) Pray for revival in Ethiopia

(20) Pray for revival in Gabon

(21) Pray for revival in Gambia

(22) Pray for revival in Ghana

(23)    Pray for revival in Guinea

(24) Pray for revival in Guinea Bissau

(25) Pray for revival in Kenya

(26) Pray for revival in Lesotho

(27) Pray for revival in Liberia

(28) Pray for revival in Libya

(29) Pray for revival in Madagascar

(30) Pray for revival in Malawi

(31) Pray for revival in Mali

(32) Pray for revival in Mauritania

(33) Pray for revival in Mauritius

(34) Pray for revival in Mayotte

(35) Pray for revival in Morocco

(36) Pray for revival in Mozambique

(37) Pray for revival in Namibia

(38) Pray for revival in Nigeria

(39) Pray for revival in Reunion

(40) Pray for revival in Rwanda

(41) Pray for revival in Sao Tome and Principe

(42) Pray for revival in Senegal

(43) Pray for revival in Seychelles

(44) Pray for revival in Sierra Leone

(45) Pray for revival in Somalia

(46) Pray for revival in South Africa

(47) Pray for revival in St Helena

(48) Pray for revival in Sudan

(49) Pray for revival in Swaziland

(50) Pray for revival in Tanzania

(51)    Pray for revival in Togo

(52) Pray for revival in Tunisia

(53) Pray for revival in Uganda

(54) Pray for revival in Western Sahara

(55) Pray for revival in Ivory Coast

(56) Pray for revival in Zaire.

(57)    Pray for revival in Zambia

(58) Pray for revival in Zimbabwe.

Thank God for joining us in prayer and for answers that will come from the throne of God.

 Thank God for the love He has for Africans and the African race.

Thank God that He has raised many more watchmen-intercessors, interceding for Africa’s redemption who will continue to fast and pray ceaselessly day and night.



Revival in Africa: 21st of December a day of fasting, prayers and repentance for African redemption. This an annual event.


we are expecting over one billion people globally raising up their voices up to God.



Where you are in one, two or more groups on the 21st of December.

It’s important to link up with us.

 Fasting time: 6:00AM – 6:00PM.

You can break your fast anytime; as your strength takes you. The important thing is to pray earnestly along with us


John Abiola

Revive Us Again series 72.

A global prayer movement for revival.

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Peniel December 17, 2022 - 10:29 pm

The vision God gave was concise and well stated, Africa will be revived and so shall it be, the prayers are indepth and went around d whole world touching every part…. God bless you and your team John Abiola for letting your self to be used by God… thanks 4 availing your self .
I pray God message for revival be accomplished in Africa.Amen

Dara December 18, 2022 - 1:51 am

This so shocking a concindence, that the “African day of fasting, prayer, and repentance” slated on the 21st of december 2022, sponsored by the vision, the lord gave to Prophet John; caling for intercessors around the globe to intercede for Africa’s redemtion, is conciding with the “Hannukkah gathering of the eagles” slated for the 19th to the 21st of december. This gathering is also calling for intercessors around the globe to intercede for America and thwart the plans of the enemy over America, as well as for the nations of the earth.

This shows the pecularity of the date ’21st of december, 2022′, as believers, there are specific timings in the spirits and like men of isaachar, we must learn to see, understand and interpret properly what the times says. The 21st of december 2022, is a time for intercession to furstrate and thwart the machinations of hell and death over Africa and other nations of the world and to birth a fast moving revival in Africa, which will spread throughout the world.

The time is upon us, the season is here, men must awake and pray, men must pray vigourously this season, to thwart the schemes of the enemy over the church and our nations’, and birth God’s divine counsel over the church of God and our nations’.

I would join this train in fasting and prayers for Africa’s redemption, because upon Africa is a destiny; a mandate to revival the world, the question is, WILL YOU ?

Adeshina December 18, 2022 - 2:50 pm

Hmmm, very revealing and prophetic. Africa indeed needs to be Redeemed, it is time for God planned agenda before the time began to be fulfilled and manifested.
It is not concealed or veiled that Africa through Sin and lawlessness has lost her birthright, and it is the appointed time for us to get it back in order to be restored back to our actual place. It is a privilege for us AFRICA to be given a second chance to be restored back what we have lost through our walking in darkness.
Christ bought us from the power of Sin, and imputed us into his marvelous light and this light became our life( see John 1: 4) our source of hope and our source of living, but through Idolatry we wandered out of his light, not knowing that without having this light it is impossible for us to see and catch the vision of reviving the world before the second coming of Christ.
The bible records in John chapter 1 vs 5 that ” light shines in darkness and darkness can not comprehend it ” . It is an unmerited opportunity and a rare chance given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ to once again be in that Light that darkness will never be able to comprehend, an opportunity to shine our light as sons of God.
And the only way to grap this chance is to REPENT, God is giving us another Chance to REPENT. It is indisputable that through our Repentance there would be an instantaneous RESTORATION of our Lost Birth Right. Through this work of Repentance, Light would illuminate the other nations of the World that would lead Africa to become the Battle axe of stirring this End time Revival.
But the only way all this can be eventual, is only through Self effacement and abasement by turning back to God. Scripture expounds that ” if my people are called( beckoning, summoning) by my name shall humble( demurred, abased,) themselves and turn( a change of direction, drift) from their wicked ways ( our abominations) then I will hear from heaven and forgive( thorough cleansing) their sins and I will heal( Restoration) their land( Africa)
There is no iota of doubt that Africa is sick and we need healing if we can all humble and turn from our sins we would be healed and through our healing other nations would experience healing.

Heritage December 20, 2022 - 6:14 pm

There’s hope for Arica. Particularly Nigeria has a divine role to play.
There would be revival at last.
Oh God, help each one of us play our part well.
Help me God 🙏🙏


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