
Witches: How they almost killed my father-Apostle Suleman

by Church Times

Apostle Johnson Suleman has recounted how his biological father almost died in the hands of witches; a development that led to his salvation.

Suleman made this known in a recent message recalling also how he was born into a wealthy family.

In the message, Suleman was leading his congregation to pray for uncommon favour stating that the state of prosperity is to have all that you want without asking anybody and being able to give to others.

He said it was difficult to convince his father about the saving grace of Jesus because he had so much wealth.

“My father was so wealthy that he bought cars for people. I grew up to see him bless people. My father built houses, trained people. So what blessing will you have that will make meaning to him? People depended on my mum to feed. People depended on my father. So when God said he would bless me, I was wondering what other blessing would be more than what I had experienced.”

Apostle Suleman said his father was not too excited when he told him he wanted to be a pastor because he believed pastors were suffering. “His mentality was that pastors were beggarly. Some had come to him for money. So he did not really reckon with them.

“At a point, he said if I wanted to be a pastor I should do it abroad, I said no. He gave me money, I turned it down and said to him that God will take care of me. That got him annoyed. He said I was stupid.”

Suleman said however said when uncommon favour came on him, his father had a changed mind.

He recalled how at a time four governors were dining with him and his father looked at him and said, “I am proud of you.”

But then that did not make him accept Jesus until he saw the power of God.

He said it was when he was sick and he had to pray for him that he realised that there some things money can’t buy. “Witches almost took him. He was taken to the theatre but after prayers, the doctors said we should take him back.”

The witch according to Suleman confessed that they wanted to take him, but they could not do anything after he had prayed.

“It was on the sick bed that my father held my hands and said lead me to Christ. He saw that there are some things money can’t do.”

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