God kills

Why I will remain grateful to Adeboye, Wale Oke, Olaleye and other Nigerian pastors- Sunday Adelaja

by Church Times

Why I will remain grateful to Adeboye, Wale Oke, Olaleye and other Nigerian pastors- Sunday Adelaja


Pastor of Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations in Ukraine, Sunday Adelaja has said he would remain grateful and thankful to General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye,  Bishop Wale Oke, Bishop Abraham Olaleye and many Nigerian pastors who prayed for him and stood by him during his trying times in Ukraine.


This is in spite of his vitriolic attack on Pastor Adeboye and some Nigerian pastors on doctrinal issues.


Since 2016, Adelaja has been online attacking many Nigerian pastors describing their messages as another gospel.


He said his love for the church and the need to save the church from the errors being unleashed on them by some pastors necessitated the videos he produced to correct such errors.


But in a new video released on Monday February 10, Adelaja said Pastor Adeboye and a host of other Nigerian pastors prayed and supported him when his travail began in 2008 in Ukraine adding that he can’t forget the sacrifices they made for him.


He said there was no way he won’t be grateful to top Nigerian pastors because they stood by him during the dark days of his ministry.


Adelaja who was being interviewed in the video by Israel Balogun said Nigerian pastors prayed for him, stood by him and raised support to bail him out of the persecution he suffered in the hands of the Ukrainian government.


Adelaja had suffered under the Ukrainian government for several years. He was not allowed to travel out of the country because of the several litigation he was facing in Ukraine. He was considered the greatest threat to the Ukrainian government during the previous government of the country.


Adelaja said “at a point members of his church were controlling about 34 percent of the Parliament of Kiev in Ukraine and they felt a black man may pose danger to the country.”


The government then, according to him, were bent on frustrating him and getting rid of him. There were several allegations against him both on moral and financial issues bothering on a failed Ponzi scheme.


But the current goverment of Ukraine which came in last year August led by, Volodymyr Zelensky and the Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk, according to Adelaja made it possible for him to breathe the air of freedom last year which gave him the opportunity to travel to Brazil for the first time after 11 years of his restriction to Ukraine.


He said “during those trying times, many pastors including the current Vice President of Nigeria, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo raised support and even formed a committee and got Femi Falana into the committee to fight for my freedom in Ukraine.”


Giving insight to what led to his choice of visit to Brazil he said a ministry in Brazil had insisted that he should come to Brazil to come and minister in that country. The ministry all along had been used to Myles Munroe while he was alive. But this time, one of the members of the ministry, a top business man read one of his books, Church Shift and got fascinated to him and wanted him to come to Brazil.


So to facilitate his coming to Brazil, He said the president of Brazil had to step into the case he was facing in Ukraine. They flew to Ukraine to make consultations with the government of Ukraine on how the cases could be resolved.


Before then, Adelaja said he was not too convinced that he would be allowed to travel. But with the intervention of the ministry who wanted him to come to Brazil he could now travel to anywhere in the world. But he has to come back to Ukraine whenever the cases come up in court.


Though he could now travel to anywhere in the world, he said the time to come to Nigeria has not come. “When I want to come to Nigeria it will be clear in my spirit. But then I don’t want to come to Nigeria until all the cases against me are settled in the courts.”



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Joetel February 14, 2020 - 3:59 am

This man has still not repented and worse, he continues to lie. Anyway, that is not surprising. These same men of God he keeps maligning and insulting everyday and at every opportunity, prayed for him then, based on the lies he came to Nigeria to tell everyone.

This is a man who confessed to the fornication and adultery he was charged with at a meeting of more than 200 pastors but in the end thwarted attempts to help or discipline him.
When he first ran to his mentor, Ulysses Tuff, to confess and that one asked him if it was true that he (Adelaja) really fornicated and committed adultery with about 30 women in his church, Sunday Adelaja replied with his own mouth that they could be more than 30!

However, when Pastor Tuff tried to find a way for Adelaja’s repentance and rehabilitation, his pride would not allow him to succumb to pastoral authority.
This prompted Ulysses Tuff’s astonishment in his letter where he stated:
“I am not a professional psychiatrist, nor profess to be one, but you never addressed the sins you committed against those innocent women, many of which are married,” wrote Ulysses Tuff, founder and pastor at The Way, The Truth, and The Life Christian Centre in Georgia, to Adelaja in a letter obtained by CT. He has been Adelaja’s mentor since 1995.

“If I had to use words to describe and give a very general perspective about you, I would choose such words as hallucination of grandeur, narcissistic, or sociopathic behaviour,” Tuff continued.
“Yet, you said that according to 1 Cor. 2:2-10, everything you are going through is connected to your Apostleship,” he wrote. “Neither Paul, nor any of the apostles in preparation for apostleship were found to have defiled 20, 30, or more women (this number of women was what you said on my first night meeting with you, you also said there could be more, you don’t remember). It is damaging to the integrity and laws of scriptural interpretation, how you have twisted the scripture to paint a picture of your sainthood and my life as one that was so grievous.”
Hence Tuff said he was officially withdrawing himself as Adelaja’s “spiritual father.”

okeowo israel October 18, 2020 - 1:58 pm

May God help us all in this end time.


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