What God told me about Nigeria’s wealth- Lagos CAN chairman

by Church Times






The Chairman of Lagos chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Apostle Alex Bamgbola has expressed confidence that Nigeria would attain her potential and stun the world with her wealth despite the seeming lull in the economy.

Bamgbola expressed this confidence while addressing a group of men at a breakfast meeting of men in Lagos organized by Kingdom Men, a ministry run by Pastor Remi Akano.

The CAN chairman who was the main speaker at the event which attracted notable men and church leaders said God told him that He was yet to release the wealth of Nigeria.

According to him, “God said he was yet to release His wealth upon Nigeria. What we are experiencing right now is just a tip of the iceberg compared to what God will do in Nigeria. God told me the wealth of Nigeria has not been released because Nigeria as a country is not ready for the wealth that He has reserved for the country. Many people think oil is the ultimate for us as a nation but that is just one out of the much potential that Nigeria has been endowed with.”

He said if the colonial masters had discovered the natural potentials of Nigeria, they would not have left the country.

Bamgbola who lived and worked as a top bank official in the US for many years before he returned to Nigeria in the 80s said, “There is a deposit of gold in Akwa Ibom that is yet to be discovered. That is what God showed me. But he told me that we are not ready for such outpouring of wealth that is why He is yet to make us discover some of these resourcess. But when the time comes, when He knows we are ready to harness and manage these resources He will reveal them to us.”

He then told the men that God expects so much from them. “God created us to be change agents. God expects us to be role models and be a catalyst to the change that we are advocating. God created the man to give Him pleasure and to help make the world a better place. We are to help transform the world and enforce kingdom principles on earth. When you become unfaithful to God, you are no longer God’s man. The ultimate agent of God is godly man. The world keeps losing the ingredient of truth because man has failed to take his rightful place in the creative and redemptive work of God.”

Bamgbola who had also been the Lagos chairman of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria observed that there are three kinds of men on earth: Those who just came to the world, men who came to observe and men who change and impact the world. He then added that men who know God and have a relationship with Him are better placed to make the world a better place.”

Giving his personal testimony at the forum, Bamgbola said he was deeply involved in the occult before God in His mercy delivered him. “It is the mercy of God that I am enjoying today. God literally pulled me out of the kingdom of darkness to his light. I was so involved in the occult that it was difficult for anybody to preach to me. God himself pulled me out of darkness. He saved me. Jesus Himself revealed himself to me and brought me out. I was so occultic and involved in witchcraft practice that I had 1000 incisions on my head for my initiation to become a wizard. By the time I surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus, about three vehicles were used to convey my charms to the sea. I was not a Change Agent then. When I became Born Again, I became a Change Agent. If one becomes a Change Agent, give him position, give him money, he will not disappoint.”

Also speaking at the event, the co-coordinator of the body, Pastor Akano said Kingdom Men was committed to creating awareness among men on the need to be responsible to their God-given potentials and rise to the task of building God’s kingdom on earth.

He said the body is currently championing a project called ISI: Iron Sharpens Iron. This project, according to him, has been designed to create a synergy among men in different parts of the country and to make them live up their God-given responsibility.

Another edition of Men’s Breakfast Roundtable has been scheduled for Sweet Sensation Restaurant, Bode Thomas Street, Surulere on Saturday, November 14.



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