Wellington, ex- RCCG pastor accuses Adeboye of idolatry warns his critics, “Don’t call him man of dog”,,

by Church Times


By our reporter

A former pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Victor Wellington has warned critics of Pastor Enoch Adeboye to be discreet in their criticism noting that his angst against the church is not personal but for kingdom purpose.

Wellington was the National Coordinator of the RCCG in France with about 25 churches under him before he pulled out of the church early in the year citing systemic rot in the church.

In a recent video where he analysed some perceived idolatrous practices in the church, Wellington however warned that people who pick hole in the church should do so with discretion. “People should know that what we are fighting is not about Adeboye. It is about the truth and it should be spoken in love.. We should desist from calling him man of dog lIke some do.. we should  not rubbish  his personalty. There is no doubt that he is a huge blessing to the church save for some doctrinal errors traced to the church’

He said it will be wrong to lump Pastor Adeboye with some other pastors that are peddling false doctrines noting however that Pastor Adeboye has completely veered off the path of truth.

Wellington who has been in the news since the beginning of the year had described the RCCG as a tower of babel picking hole in the aggressive financial drive in the church, the neglect of some missionaries and the atrocities of some of the pastors of the church.

In his recent video however which is presently being circulated online, Wellington said his pain was that the Adeboye he used to know has changed completely. He recalled that Pastor Adeboye once denied the title of the General Overseer in the early 90s. “I remember in the 90s that Pastor Adeboye was invited to France and we had gone to print fliers for the programme. We used the title General Overseer to his name.  When he saw it he was not happy. He took exception to the use of the title. That was the extent of his humility and piety. But over the years he has been influenced by the crowd in the church.”

He said further that Adeboye had also once recalled a book that he printed where there were some doctrinal errors. “I remember he asked that the books be withdrawn from the public. He apologised for the books. But today, it is difficult to tell some truth to him because of the many sycophants that surround him.”

Pressing further his submission, Wellington said, “One of the areas I disagree with him is the subtle idolatry that is being introduced to the church. There are many instances during his messages that the attention of worshipers are directed to objects and not to Jesus.”

He mentioned the instance of the comb where worshippers were asked to comb their heads and were told as they do, their problems were being wiped out. Wellington said, “If you notice when he brought the comb thing there was no mention of the name of Jesus. He told the people to use the comb on their head and also warned them to keep the comb. If he asked people to keep a comb, he is subtly asking them to idolise the comb because the people will give more attention to the comb.”

He also cited the use of the rod and the instructions to worshippers to direct their attention to the rod. “if these things are not idolatry I wonder what it is. The danger is that worshippers will continue to see the salvation in the rod and not see Jesus again. This thing should be discouraged and should be stopped.”

The ex-pastor who said he has since realised his own failings in the past and repented said, “We were all in ignorance in the past. But God has opened our eyes and I have personally repented. That is why my concern is for the RCCG to repent from its idolatry and the mammon focus.”

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Caleb Atolagbe August 3, 2019 - 3:23 am

The examples cited to portray idolatry are hair splitting. Jesus also used water, oil,
His garment, mud etc for healing too. Paul also used handkerchief and apron. Can we then say Jesus and Paul were encouraging idolatry because people could focus on those objects and not on Jesus. This is not to say that any Pastor is perfect, no none is. But we should look for obvious deviations from the teachings and practices layed down by Christ before we accuse men of God of serious issues like idolatry.

Sam B September 4, 2020 - 12:17 pm

If this is not obvious deviation then you need to know more about Christianity. The objects you are citing in the new Testament werenot used as a focus for miracles, the miracle just happened through them. Here is a man telling tou to focus your attention on a magic wand and to keep a comb to pray with. If this is not blatant idolatry, then o wonder what it is. Please check out what the Pope, Pastor Adeboye ‘s master, did recently putting idols on the altar, and toh will know that what thenpastor did was deliberate…you had better run and not allow yourself to be dragged to hell friend.

Caleb Atolagbe December 18, 2020 - 10:25 pm

I have declared my self by my real name, I have nothing to hide. Sir please do the same, Come out in the open with your full names that we can identify you with. Many who hide in the dark do so because they have ulterior motives. I am not saying you are one them. But let us come into the light if we mean well for the body of Christ.

Apostle Olugbenga Oludimu July 8, 2020 - 9:39 pm

Prophets in the old testament often used rod, stick and poles. Moses, Elijah, Elisha all used rod to perform miracles. To call the ministration of Pst E A Adeboye wherein he lifted up rod like object as faith extender an idolatrous practice is to display an holier than thou attitude or gross ignorance and understanding of the scriptures.

Odutola: Odutola's resignation throws up fresh challenge for RCCG July 15, 2020 - 1:53 am

[…] Wellington was the National Coordinator of the RCCG in France with about 25 churches under him before he pulled out of the church early in the year 2018 citing systemic rot in the church. These are just recent cases of top pastors of the church that resigned. […]

Sam B September 4, 2020 - 12:22 pm

Then you really don’t know what the Christian faith is all about. You claim to know the Scriptures, but i am truly sorry for you, because the OT practices you cite are not the NT model of ministry. You are the one who is being led astray, not this pastor who is helping to open your eyes. Wake up, friend! You are part pf the falling away of 2Thessalonians 2


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