We are being butchered daily- Christians in northern Nigeria cry out

by Church Times

Christians in the north especially those in the north east have sent an SOS to the president urging him to deplore security operatives to come to their rescue as they are being killed like rat on a daily basis.

In a terse text message, the chairman of Christian Association in Borno, Titus Pona stated that the onslaught on Christians is increasing by the day.

The message which was sent to the chairman of the north east zone of Christian Association of Nigeria, Rev. Shuaab Maaji and forwarded to our correspondent read: “My leader sir, up to six Christian villages were attacked in Gwoza LGA today . We were told that it recorded the highest number of causalities so far.

“I received a message that the militants are still hunting the remaining Christians in those villages. I have talked with the security operatives here but kindly please help present our case to the President and the Chief of Defence Staff. My people are being killed like rat by the Muslim militants”

While commenting on the message, Maaji told our correspondent on phone that CAN has lost count of the causalities resulting from the onslaught noting that the National Emergency Management Agency have been overwhelmed with the increasing deaths and displaced people in the north east.

He decried insinuations in some quarters that the insurgency in the north is political noting, “What has politics got to do with religion. Why are Christians the target of the terrorist group? The experience we have in this part of the country is simply unbelievable. We have always had crises but the extent to which it has gone in recent time is something we cannot understand.”

While noting that it has become increasingly difficult for Christians to walk the streets freely, he said, “We have always been at the receiving ends in states where the Muslims claim majority. Christians don’t enjoy promotion in the civil service, they are not employed and they are never awarded contracts. There are consistent attempts to frustrate Christians in the north.”

He observed that many Christians have lost farmlands and have been killed indiscriminately in the recent past. “Many residents in Borno have moved to neighbouring towns and villages. Some have moved to as far as Cameroun. From our estimation about 9000 people have relocated so far in recent time. Many others are hiding in the mountainous areas of the states in the north east.”

Also commenting on the insurgents, the chairman of Adamawa State Chapter of CAN, Bishop Mike Moses observed the media are in fact under reporting the crisis in the north. “What we are facing is being under reported. The Hausa language being an international language is being used to feed the outside world wrong information about what is happening. The truth is not being told” he said.

Moses observed that the insurgents were bent on their islamisation agenda saying, “There are indications that Islamic flags are being hoisted at the villages they conquer. But security agents go to remove those flags. So, one may not see them there. But the truth is that these flags are being hoisted to tell the world that their vision is to islamise the area and indeed the entire country. They have a strategy to conquer the north east and from their move down to the south.”

Moses observed that many churches have been completely wiped out of existence. “Many churches that are just starting have been frightened out of existence. The old churches are being wiped out of existence. Church services don’t exceed one hour and we can’t even gather to meet openly. The situation is getting worse by the day”

He said the peculiar nature of the region has made it difficult for help to reach the indigenes. “This place is far apart and mountainous. The security agents are trying but it is difficult to reach all the places because they are scattered and far apart from each other”

He disclosed that the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria recently released a sum of N7 million as intervention funds to help the victims of the crisis but observes that there is still a long way to go in terms of rehabilitating the widows. “The help rendered by the PFN is a good one and we really appreciate it but the problem on ground is enormous. The insurgents kill men. They deliberately kill men to deprive their wives of their livelihood. We have a lot of widows to take care of now. People have abandoned their houses to live in make shift apartments and at rehabilitation camps.”

He said it has become difficult to walk the streets without being afraid of being killed. Many who want to escape according to Moses “even find it difficult to escape because some fleeing residents run into the insurgents and are killed.”

The cheering news however is that those that are attacked have remained resolute in their commitment to the faith. “Though attendance in church services has dropped, people are still holding to God. The prayer we have to keep praying is that God will sustain the weak in faith and give more grace to those that standing.”

Maaji the North East Chairman however is more philosophical. He told our correspondent, “We trust that God will help us not to disown Him in these trying times. We are aware that we are in the end of age and that Jesus has said for the sake of the elect his coming will be shortened”

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