Vision and prophecies have separated many homes- Ekundayo

by Church Times



By Wilson Adekumola

The General Overseer of Harvest Field International Church, Ota, Ogun State, Reverend Francis Ekundayo has observed that visions and prophecies have scattered many homes urging believers to be wary of the kind of visions and prophecy they hear and respond to.

He made the observation at the 6th edition of the church’s annual Couples’ Week tagged “The name of Jesus in our home” held on August 5 at the church auditorium close to Obasanjo farms Ota. Ogun State Nigeria.

According to Ekundayo, “It is important for people to know what marriage is not. It is not built on prophecy and vision that are unfounded in the Bible. Some youths go to prophets, seeking vision and prophecy about their marriage.  This may boomerang. Prophecy that is not grounded in the word of God is nothing. Any vision that is not based on the standard of the Bible is also nothing.

“So many homes that were built on vision on prophecies have crumbled. Such homes could not have survived because homes are supposed to be built on the word of God.  You only need the counsel of the word of God. The mistake the youth often make is that they allow visions and prophecy to influence their marriage. Even if there is any prophecy you still have to base it on the word of God.”

He also observed that prayer plays a vital role in marriage “Prayer is the bedrock of marriage. I want you to know also that humility, tolerance and love are also prerequisite for a successful marriage. It’s important that young people should be given the picture of the marriage before they go into it”, he said.

Quoting from the book of Ephesians 5:2-23 he told the participants at the event that a woman is expected to submit to her husband while the husband in turn is expected to love his wife. He then urged young people to seek God before seeking a partner. “It is when a man is married to a wife that he gets favour from God. A wife is different from a woman. And only God can give a good wife. A wife will love and tolerate her husband. She will be submissive no matter what. Because when Bible instructs the wives to be submissive it did not attach any condition. Whatsoever your husband may be you just have to be submissive as it is commanded in the Bible.”

He however pointed out that if a man had married woman who does not have the qualities of a wife, the onus now lies on the man to make such woman a wife. “The man can transform her through prayer, counseling and encourage her to attend marriage seminars. The wife on the other hand should not keep silence when her husband is going astray. Her silence may ruin her home. I am not saying you should engage in verbal war with your husband but there is a diplomatic and psychological approach you can employ to correct him so that peace will reign. A woman must know when to submit and when to keep speak out.”

He noted also that many clergy homes are having challenges because their marriages have faulty foundation. “It is easy to counsel others theoretically but in practice it is a different thing. Men of God who have broken home need counseling too. If not the two of them but I believe one of them has problem. They just have to swallow their pride. Leave title alone and look for someone who will give them what they need to rejuvenate their marriage.

Ekundayo whose practical approach to marital problems have helped many homes said the theme of the programme was given to him at the beginning of the year. “The Lord revealed it to us that all we should emphasize the name of Jesus in our homes. That is, make people to understand what the name of Jesus implies in our homes. What to gain with that name and how to relate with the name in our homes.”

The week-long event featured lecture, drama, seminar and presentation of awards.  Mrs. Racheal Oreselu said, “I thank God for being part of this event. I have always been part of the program but what I learnt this time is totally unique. It has really impacted my home and I believe a lot of people will also testify.

Bolaji Oyewole who is the chief engineer of the church who was given an award expressed joy for the the award he received coupled with message. “I am excited for this award given to me today and the message from our father in the Lord. It has really reshaped my life and home. I have got to understand that whatever you want to do, do it with your whole heart. It’s an improvement on last year’s outing.”


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