Don’t joke with your sex life, Bible school rector tells graduating students

by Church Times


By Wilson Adekumola

The founder of Royal Touch Teaching Ministry and the Rector of EAC Bible College, Reverend, Dr.  Donald Olumide Shoyoola, has charged ministers of God not to joke with their sex life with their spouse noting that faith is not enough to keep their marriage


officials at the graduation ceremony

He made this call at the graduation ceremony of the Celestial Church of Christ, CCC, Trinity Tabernacle, Ajegunle, Lagos held on Saturday, February 13.

He said, “Just having faith is not enough to keep your marriage safe. One of the challenges facing
Couples especially those in ministry is that of sex-less marriage. This is a silent killer. In most divorce cases I read about in customary courts, 80% has to do with inadequate sex. Most couples of gospel ministers are also complaining of a sexless marriage.

“Sex is a cardinal point of marriage. Without it, no marriage is consummated. You need regular and good sex to keep your marriage safe. You must be a real man; you must be a total man. Sex is meant to be enjoyed not to be endured Sex should be experienced at least twice a week between couples”

While explaining that sex is divinely designed to be experienced, practised and enjoyed within the boundaries of marriage only, he said, “Premarital and extramarital sex is ungodly and immoral. Sex is only good and pure within marriage.”

Shoyoola, who quoted copiously from the Bible while discussing the circumstances responsible for sexless marriage, said, “A sexless marriage is one which couples make love not more than ten times a year. I have known couples that have sex only two to three times a year.

“The reason is not farfetched, wrong teaching, pornographic and masturbating husband, lesbianism inclined wife, occult involvement and quest for money, long time sickness and diseases, anger, unresolved conflict and unforgiving spirit and a host of other social vices could cause sexless marriage.”

He, however, advised couples not to see sex as the only thing about marriage adding that it’s just one of God’s purposes for marriage.

At the ceremony, a prestigious Excellence Shepherd Award was given to Prophet Samuel Owatunde popularly known as Marshall who is the Shepherd-in Charge, CCC, Trinity Tabernacle while a total of thirty-five students received Certificate of Completion from Royal Touch Teaching Ministry.

Royal Touch Teaching Ministry which is a training arm of Royal Touch Nigeria Limited is an interdenominational and global teaching ministry for impacting excellence Christian education, evangelism and empowerment programme, established on September 9, 1991.

Reacting to the award, Marshall said, “I feel honoured by the award given to me today because it takes the grace of God to be recognized in His vineyard. A lot of people work tirelessly and died without being recognized or honoured but by the special grace of God, they know the marvellous work God is using us to do in this church.

“The lecturers and the rector know what we have in stock as a Bible College of our own. If we can allow them to come and teach us that means we are not sentimental and we don’t discriminate, we just want more knowledge that is, the pure knowledge of God without heresy.

“So, that is why he brought some lectures to us three years ago and he came this year also. I feel very honoured in the house of the Lord. It is quite different from honour from the secular world. The Bible says those that are labouring in the world are counted for a double portion of honour. So, I thank God for being honoured. I am excited for his grace upon my life.”

The Oyo-State-born cleric also implored the students to take advantage of their wealth of knowledge to win souls for Christ. “There is no going back in the race of the ministry. They need to pray for grace because if you have the grace of God it will be easy for you to run the race but if you don’t have the grace of God you will run the race without the grace. Let them not look back, let them continue learning and intensify their effort in reading and preaching the good news of Jesus, whether suitable or not, either it is conducive or not, Just go and liberate the world.

“The Bible has already mandated us to go out and preach the word of God. I implore the graduating students to make this precept their watchword. We are facing the end time. Everything that is happening now is an indication of the end of the age.

“My candid advice to them is to put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, a shield of faith and the sword of the spirit and put their shoe of evangelism, what they have learnt they should go out and be a blessing to somebody. Those who have been saved must also save others.” He summed

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