Rev Badejo

Rev Badejo fought a good fight of Faith -PFN President

by Church Times

President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Bishop Francis Wale Oke, has said the former General Overseer of the Foursquare Church, Dr Wilson Badejo, fought a good fight of faith while alive

He described him as a forthright individual who served God with all his might.

Rev. Badejo died on Saturday  August 7

In a condolence message made available to Church Times , the PFN President said the news of Badejo’s death was shocking to the nation and the world, particularly to the Christian community.

He said the late cleric gave his all to the service of the Lord while alive, a development he added, enhanced the spread of the gospel to nations of the world.

The PFN President who is also the presiding Bishop of the Sword of the Spirit Ministries, Ibadan, said ‘the passage of the deceased was painful and shocking, the worthy life he lived, would remain a challenge to the living.

“Rev Dr Wilson Badejo was a strong-willed man who pursued righteousness till he breathed his last. For everyone, death is a garb that will be worn by all at the appointed time. Though humanly speaking,one wouldn’t have wanted him to go now, however,God is the ultimate decider of when for everybody” Bishop Oke noted.

While admonishing that death should always serve as a lesson of reminder that nobody would live in the world forever he said, ‘ many in the society still behave as if they would never leave the planet earth.

“In the case of Rev Badejo, our joy and solace is that having fought a good fight of faith, he has gone to rest with our Lord Jesus Christ. And that’s what every Christian should work towards and crave for” the renowned cleric further advised

He then commiserated with the family, Foursquare Church and the Christian body in the country, praying that God would grant everyone concerned, the fortitude to bear Badejo’s transition to glory

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