Prof. Sam Aluko died singing great is thy faithfulness- Son

by Church Times

Olu Aluko, Son of Professor Sam Aluko has narrated how Professor Aluko died singing his favourite hymn, Great is thy faithfulness on his sick bed.

Aluko in a post on February 6 stated that the sage was sick for a brief moment before he passed on to glory. In the post he narrated how Professor Aluko lived a simple life and the fact that he never wanted to trouble anybody.

Professor Aluko

Professor Sam Aluko

He wrote .”..and so on this day in the early hours of the morning half a decade plus ago he sneaked out on us! In his usual characteristic way of not wanting to bother anybody with his problems, a self sufficient and contented man I had the feeling in hindsight he knew it was time but kept a very straight face! Even his wife my mother had no clue his time was getting nigh! But in hindsight it became clear to me for two months before he departed we were again together day in day out ! As we were in the nineties when I was his confidant during those memorable times in ABUJA!

Continuing his narration on Professor Aluko he said, “Everyday we spent hours together and he told me stories of himself his youth that I had never heard from him very rare that I hope one day I shall recount in a book ! From him being the first Ekiti baby masquerade ( his father the chief of masquerades in our town! A fearful chief married to the king’s daughter my grand mother)! One day he kept saying Olu you will always be okay! You never desire much materialistic wise and you always remain happy with little stress about Life! You will always be okay! ”
Now I started wondering for a minute why all these deep stories but we both laughed it off!
Good laughs we had together !”

He recalled that “Professor Aluko left in early December to Akure his main base where he had always operated from! “Then one evening he called joking on the phone saying ! Your mother keeps pushing me to go for a check up but I told her that does she not want us to die again!? For I’m over 80 years old and biblically it’s a score and ten years given to man on Earth which is 70 years old! So in reality I’m already using extra time and my mum should also start pack her load ! A deep Christian he was and a realist !!

“….and so at about 8 oclock on the evening of the 6th of February 2012 I got a phone call from my in-law Dr Rotimi Jaiyesimi from Newcastle where Dad had gone for a check up that the Prof was in bad shape ! And that he was being rushed to the hospital! I was at home in Abuja ! ” How bad is it i asked? His reply was I should pray ! Pray ke !!? I felt annoyed I was asking for a medical opinion since he was a consultant and not a spiritual one ! But I got the message when a doctor tells you to pray hen then it’s beyond medical explantion ! I immediately phoned my younger brother senator Gbenga Aluko informing him of the development he immediately went into shock ! Daddy ke!!!????”

Olu stated that he did not believe it was time for his dad, Professor Aluko to depart. “I still did not believe it was his time Somehow death never seemed to be in the equation you forget and think your parents will live forever!
In our house hold we never even brought up the subject! Yes they were going to live forever!! So I kept awake and then I did start praying !”

At a few minutes after midnight  he said Professor Aluko suddenly came out of Coma! “With my sister her husband and my mum beside his bed! To all their delight!Then he broke into his favourite Christian song ” Great is thy faithfulness which all joined in and sang in unison! He sang every stanza and as soon as the song finished he took his last breath and departed !!!!”

He said further, “So soon after I received that dreaded phone call that Professor  Aluko had crossed to the Afterlife; singing with the angels, praising God day in day out for he gave us life and if we do well covered by his grace there is that promise that we will be with him in eternity!.”

“It is in words thought and deeds that God looks into! He knows we are sinners and may God forgive us our sins and have mercy on our soul !”

Today Olu stated that Professor Aluko ” is remembered as a straightforward honest man that abhorred corrupt practices a man of integrity always contented and was not inclined to materialism . So much so that he could not even recognize the names of cars etc outside his 504 station wagon !”

He concludes, “What is it to gain the world and lose your soul. Fond memories of him and really this is the real treasure one leave”s behind! Good afternoon all !. Aficonene !!”

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