‘We are making efforts and praying for our Bishop, other’s release from kidnappers’ net’

by Church Times

The Bishop of Oyo Diocese of the Anglican Communion, The Rt Rev Williams Aladekugbe has said the Church is making efforts and praying for the safe return of Bishop Oluwaseun Aderogba, his wife, and the driver who were kidnapped on Sunday, June 12 on the road linking Jebba and Oyo.

Bishop Aderogba is the Bishop in charge of the Jebba Diocese of the Anglican Communion.

He was traveling from Jebba to Oyo when his vehicle broke down a few kilometers from Oyo. It was while the vehicle was being fixed that the abductors surrounded the vehicle and abducted him, his wife, and the driver away. His chaplain was able to escape because according to him, he wore a black cassock which blended with the night

He told newsmen that he fell flat on his belly to hide while the abductors marched his Bishop, wife, and driver into the thick bush.

Bishop Aladekugbe said the last time he spoke with the kidnappers was the morning of Monday June 13. “They are asking for a ransom of N50 million. That was the last time we spoke with them.”

Aladekugbe told our correspondent that he spoke with the wife of Bishop Aderogba on phone adding that they are in stable condition.

He said the church is making effort to ensure their release while calling for more prayers.

As of today Bishop Aladekugbe, he said, he is yet to hear from the abductors. He called for more prayers assuring that God will intervene.

Since the abduction of the trio, there has been an online prayer between 8 and 9am on Monday and today June 14..

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