
Nigeria a paradise compared to some other places-Adeboye

by Church Times

By Gbenga Osinaike
General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye has observed that Nigeria is a paradise compared to some other places of the world.
He made the observation at the monthly thanksgiving service of the church which held at the Church’s headquarters in Ebute-Meta, Lagos on Sunday October 7.
Adeboye who noted that many Nigerians are quite oblivious of the great things they are enjoying in the country said he has had to compare Nigeria with some other places of the world and have found out that Nigeria is a paradise when such comparison is made.
He cited instances of some places he visited which he declined to name noting that people were so challenged in those countries that they sleep in graveyard and mingle with the dead freely.
While noting the worst case scenario in Nigeria is that people sleep under the bridge, he said, “At least our case has not become so bad that we now have to sleep in the graveyard” adding that Nigeria has every reason to thank God.
The place which Adeboye identified as City of the dead which he declined to name during his message is located in Egypt.
Just outside of Cairo, this City according to “ used to house only corpses dating back to the 7th century. Created as an Arabic cemetery during the conquest of Egypt, the necropolis has developed into one of Egypt’s worst slums where the dead and living coexist in morbid neighborliness.
“20 million people live in Cairo’s metro area, making it one of the largest cities in the entire world. It also has a massive population living in abject poverty, which has forced many people into the City of the Dead. Stretching for four miles on the outskirts of Cairo, the row housing for the deceased has evolved into a deathly slum.
As people moved out of agricultural centers, or were displaced by natural disasters, they took up residences in old mausoleums, and around the tombs of the necropolis. In total, 500,000 people occupy the necropolis, filling the gaps around the final resting places of 7th century Egyptians. Although there are plans to relocate people out of the living cemetery, the population has grown so large that there is almost nowhere to move residents. Like so many other slums across the world, the City of the Dead is greatly populated by children, who must face fears and live in and around tombs, and make do with their morbid surroundings.”

Earlier Adeboye had called on Nigerians to intensify prayers for the country noting that it takes humility to pray and ask for help. “if the whole world is behind you and God is against you, you’re finished. God asked us to pray and not to complain. We have to continue to pray and ask for help. We must turn from our wicked ways. That is when God will hear us.”

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