
Nothing like gay Christians, Anglican Primate tells American Church

by Church Times

Archbishop and Primate of All Nigeria, The Most Revd Henry Ndukuba has reacted to a recent subtle attempt to tolerate gays and deodorize their activities in the Anglican Church in North America asking the Church to come out to make a categorical statement on the gay issue.

Ndukuba in a well-crafted statement titled, Church of Nigeria’s position on recent development in ACNA, noted that the College of Bishops of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), at their recent meeting, issued a Pastoral Statement of toleration of same-sex persons within their fold.

He said the Bishops noted “that the struggle with human identity is real and painful for Christians who experience same-sex attraction” and reject the use of language that identifies such people for who they are- Gays; preferring that they be addressed as “Christians who experience same-sex attraction”.

He said further in the statement that “The College of Bishops also upheld a commitment to subsidiarity which defers to diocesan bishops, discernment on how to handle homosexuals in their church communities. It called on priests of their churches to teach about human sexuality based on the Bishops’ desire that parishes in ACNA province become “places where those who experience same-sex attraction, especially youths know where they can go to share about this reality.”

The Anglican Primate then said the decisions by ACNA bishops “tantamount to a subtle capitulation to recognize and promote same-sex relations among its members, exactly the same route of argument adopted by The Episcopal Church (TEC) some years ago.

Ndukuba: Appeal to subsidiarity, a trick to reject Bible

Ndukuba said in the three-page statement that ACNA’s appeal “to subsidiarity is another trick not to submit to the clear authority of Scripture on homosexuality, rather, they defer to individual Bishops discretion of discernment on how to relate to homosexuals, and offer them room.

Quoting Phil Ashey, President and Chief Executive Officer of American Anglican Council, Ndukuba said, “Among Anglicans, subsidiarity does not give the Diocesan Bishops or Dioceses the authority to decide matters unilaterally that touch on the Faith and Order of the Church.” adding that “Appeals to

subsidiarity resulted in the unilateral decisions of Diocesan Bishops of New Westminster (Canada) to recognize same-sex blessings of marriage and New Hampshire (TEC) to elect same-sex partnered Gene Robinson as Bishop.

He warned against the repeat of what he said had fueled the crisis that has broken the fabrics of the Anglican Communion noting that languages to cover up sin and sinners are incompatible with the example of Scripture which condemned sin.

“A Gay is a Gay, they cannot be rightly described otherwise. In the same vein, we cannot describe people as ‘Christian Murderer’, ‘Christian Adulterer’ and ‘Christian terrorist’; neither should we even have ‘Gay Christian’ or ‘Gay Anglican’. “Without Holiness, no man shall see God” (Hebrews 12:14).

Ndukuba noted that the ACNA pastoral letter informed why a group within gave an open invitation to gays offering them pastoral accommodation in ACNA parishes.

The letter according to Ndukuba was openly endorsed by some bishops, priests, and laity in ACNA. “It is a clarion call to recruit Gays into ACNA member parishes. The deadly virus of homosexuality has infiltrated ACNA. This is likened to a Yeast that should be urgently and radically expunged and excised lest it affects the whole dough (Luke 13:20-21; Gal. 5:9).” He lamented.

The primate noted that the response of ACNA leadership so far “has been palliative, weak and unwilling to discipline the erring bishops and priests and taking a clear stand to totally reject their actions and underlying motives.”

While thanking Archbishop Foley Beach for removing the offensive invitation letter to “Gay Anglican” from the website of the ACNA, Ndukuba said “that action has not cured the diseases that has set in already; neither has it mitigated the damage the public advertisement has done.

He said further that the Church of Nigeria views these events as most unfortunate and dangerous to the cause of Mission based on the Truth of the Gospel, especially at a time when secular governments are adopting aggressive campaign for global homosexual culture.”

He urged the Church in the US to lead the fight against this evil in ACNA; saying “if it fails, it would have disappointed God and faithful Anglican Christians worldwide.”

ACNA according to Ndukuba was formed by Global Anglican Future Conference GAFCON, as a safe haven for faithful Christians who reject the apostasy and rebellion in The Episcopal Church TEC.

“They should not now find in ACNA the aberrations which drove them from TEC. It is more serious that the Archbishop of ACNA, Archbishop Foley Beach is also the current Chairman of GAFCON. Therefore, his actions or inactions and that of his Province have serious implications for GAFCON leadership.”

Make a definite statement on gay

He then called upon the Archbishop and the College of Bishops of ACNA “to make definite, an unambiguous statement condemning the actions taken by the gay activists in their midst, denounce their action, dissociate ACNA from the group, discipline the erring bishops, priests, and laity who signed the offensive Pro-Gay letter and reaffirm ACNA’s commitment to all the fundamentals of orthodox Christian faith and the resolutions of the GAFCON Jerusalem Declarations and Statement. It should take a clear stand on their position on homosexuality and same-sex relations of all types.”

He then affirmed that the “Church of Nigeria affirms its total rejection of homosexuality and will surely stand to defend the Truth of the Gospel based on the injunctions and ethical principles of the Holy Bible.”

It is not clear what action the Church of Nigeria will take if ACNA fails to make a categorical statement on homosexuality and same-sex relations of all types as requested in the press statement. Efforts to seek further clarifications on the issues by our correspondent did not yield any result.

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