Idahosa's death

Margaret Idahosa celebrates husband 25 years after his  transition

by Church Times

Archbishop Margaret Idahosa on Sunday joined thousands of people worldwide to celebrate her husband, Archbishop Benson Idahosa who died on March 12, 1998.

The Archbishop took to her Facebook Page to celebrate the late icon of faith.

She wrote on her page: “I joined the world to celebrate our father and mission’s founder, whom we are his legacy. We celebrate his greatness.

“We celebrate his faith. We celebrate his wisdom. We celebrate his vision. The memory of the righteous is  blessed.”

Margaret Idahosa also shared a video clip of one of the messages of the late patriarch of faith.

In the clip, Idahosa said, “If faith worked before it should work now. If it does not work now, there is no proof that it worked before.

“I love what God did with Moses, I love what he did with Abraham. I even love what he did with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. But the greatest proof that God did anything with someone before is what he can do today.”

Many respondents on the thread of Margaret Idahosa’s Facebook wall recall the great impact of the great evangelist and how he impacted them.

Read also: 20 facts about Benson Idahosa:

Fred Fidan Itodo wrote, “papa we can’t be where we are now flying on the wings of the laid down legacy of pentecostal movement in Nigeria and Africa without you. Thank you and rest on my Lord the Archbishop Idahosa.”

Another, Dickson Enukegu noted, “His encounters are not to be forgotten. Faith, love, and salvation are his keywords. Great Men exist forever. May your soul rest in God’s kingdom the heavens.”

Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa was born on September 11, 1938. He died on March 12 1998. He was a Charismatic Pentecostal preacher.

He founded the Church of God Mission International in 1968 and also Benson Idahosa University BIU) in Benin CityEdo State, Nigeria.

During his lifetime, Idahosa made a global evangelical impact by preaching the gospel across many continents of the world. He was known for his boldness and audacity.




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