I did not die, I did not go to heaven, hell- Margaret Amure

by Church Times


By Gbenga Osinaike


One of those who claimed to have died and gone to heaven and hell, Madam Margaret Amure has confessed that she never died neither did she go to heaven and hell as she claimed several years ago.


Amure who confessed her sins initially to some select pastors in 2015 has recently about a week ago come out publicly at a gathering of Holiness Revival Movement in Abuja that she never died noting however that it was true she fell sick at a time for a period of about seven months.


“It is true I went on a pilgrimage Israel and also Italy. When I came back I fell sick for a long time of about seven months but I did not die as I claimed. I said I went to hell and saw the devil and people being tortured. It was not true. I said I saw God in heaven. it is not true” She said.


While declaring that it took her many years to come out publicly to confess because she had a false sense of repentance she said, “I released that message “back from heaven” after spending 34 years in the church and I did so in ignorance. I did not die though I almost died and I did not visit heaven or hell as claimed several years ago. I did not have the fear of God. The word of God was not in me. I enjoyed it when I was doing it because I did not know it was a sin and I believed even if it was a sin I would ask for forgiveness.


“I want the church of Christ to join me to beg God. I have been asked to confess publicly since 2015 but I refused because I was acting in the flesh. It was not God who sent me to deliver the message of heaven and hell. I did not see God in heaven. Satan used me to frame that testimony to corrupt genuine testimonies of those who had such revelation. What I did was very bad.


She said she had to come out publicly because of a recent revelation that she got. “I saw a woman came to me in my dream and asked me to confess my sin. A shadow would pass me like this and asked me to confess. I saw a hand writing on the ground and what it wrote on the ground was Abuja indicating I have to come to Abuja to confess.


“When I came out of the dream I was wondering that since God had forgiven  why would a woman would be asking me to go and confess. But when I was adamant a voice had come to me to say I had been forgiven. It was that voice that I heard that made me to stand my ground that that I would not confess publicly initially.”


She however said, “I stand to judge and condemn my action. The first time pastor Polycarp (a leader of the Holiness Revival Movement) spoke to me to come and confess publicly I declined because of the flesh. I was flying from one country and another and enjoying the accolades when I was sharing the fake testimony. Many pastors enjoyed my presence in their churches. I did not remember that one day the secret of all men would be judged and made known.

 Read also: Those who see people burning in hell are having hallucinations- Victor Omolehttps://churchtimesnigeria.net/hell-heaven/


“It took me 14 months praying for mercy. I want to say sorry to all the people who listened to me. Ask God for mercy for me. I don’t want to go to hell. I was a liar a fraud. To those of you who got the albums I say sorry. I am ready for whatever judgement the leader of Holiness Revival Movement would pass on me and I pray for grace to carry it out.”



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Constance November 29, 2021 - 11:01 am

You are simply a devil for deceiving and misleading many. I can still recall watching your testimony and believing all you said.

Mary Mosindi October 20, 2022 - 4:08 pm

Margaret, this is so painful that you allowed yourself to be so money-driven into commiting this abomination, a heinous crime against the body of Christ! For financial gain, to live a life of luxury, you sold yourself to be this used at the expense of genuine believers and we all gathered on many occasions to listen & behold your lies & deceit! Jesus! I weep for the souls you have made to backslide because of your wickedness! Just so you know, your repentance is not complete until you have refunded all and I mean, all of the money you made from the sale of the CDs to which I spent thousands of naira to buy from your video man called Shalom. Both of you made great proceeds from this fake testimony – proceeds of sin that you will both still account for before God when you japa to the great beyond! Shame on you!!!


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