Lagos Christian teachers set to occupy territories…hold annual conference

by Church Times

Teachers set to occupy territories

By Adekunle Adewunmi


Officials of the Lagos Christian Teachers Association

The Christian body of Teachers in Lagos State on May 1, 2019, held its 6th annual state conference amidst thanksgiving and praise to God, for His faithfulness all through the years. They also took time to pray trusting God for what the future has to offer with the incoming government.

The conference tagged “possessing territories” saw both retired and serving teachers immersed in unadulterated teachings that center on their line of calling and the glorious seeds God has deposited in their care.

Awesome testimonies filled the air from both retired teachers also called senior citizens and those still in service. The teachers were particularly grateful for the progress they have made over the years despite the challenging economy. Many of the testimonies also bother on progress in their families are many of their children were led to the marriage altars.

Speaking on theme of the conference, Pastor Oluseye Adeniyi explained that, possessing territories is a state of owning, occupying, controlling and defending an area or environment. He said possessing territories is a warfare, adding that “ it is a great challenge to hold and occupy existing grounds, recover and regain lost grounds and to enter new grounds.”

The man of God who is also a teacher charged the Christian body to hold dear their responsibility as believers, urging them to pursue the divine agenda of possessing territories. He however noted that in the pursuit of territories they should bear in mind that God is equally involved in the process.

“As Christian teachers, we have territories to possess in our various workplace and this responsibility must be taken as a major agenda because there is a wilderness to cross, there are giants in the way to conquer, walled and fenced cities to take over.

“Any unconquered or unpossessed land will be taken by the enemy as there cannot be any vacant land because it’s either light takes over or darkness does.” He said, adding “As much as there is an assurance of possession the territory cannot be possessed without a fight against the opposition through agonizing prayer, aggressive evangelism and focus on hunger for more of God.”

One of the Zonal Coordinators in District 2, Pastor Adetayo in his talk, called on teachers to deny themselves of food because of the soul of the students in their schools since they have been chosen by God to occupy, bear fruits and ensure the fruits remain.

Digging into how the souls of students can be saved by teachers, he pleaded with them to be more pragmatic and intentional. He urged them to use the territory God has already given to them which is the school for the purpose of winning the heart of the students to the Lord. He noted that rewards only come from God according to what and how we occupy.

He however advised that Christian teachers should make attending the assembly ground a must since it’s a strategic place to share God’s word with majority of the students.

“The territory has been handed over to us but we are not taking it. Don’t waste opportunity. Attend the school fellowship; which comes up only on Fridays to encourage the young ones and bring more of them because any student we fail to win to Christ becomes a trouble in the future.” he said.

President of the body, Pastor Osasuna Abiodun during a session with Church Times said the main idea behind the annual programme is to let Christian teachers know their rights in their school which is that – their schools are their mission fields and they were divinely placed there because of the children. “We are here to train ourselves and go back to train the students”.

Pastor Osasuna who has spent 22 years in service advocated that the teachers have been faithful and committed in their duties to the students despite the salary. “Though the government is trying their best, we pray that God will encourage them to do well.”

Earlier, a floor group session was opened where practicality of the possession mandate was discussed by teachers. Among other suggestions, it was decided that teachers should get involved in activities in the school; commence staff fellowship where unavailable and make rooster for teachers to take charge daily.

They were encouraged to have a Bible text for every pep talks with students, use every opportunity to preach while teaching, be time-conscious during fellowship and buy snacks like biscuits and sweet for them during fellowship as some may be hungry.

They were also counseled to follow-up the students who have come to know the Lord while also showing genuine love to them especially the ones that prove stubborn. It was noted that some of them behave unruly because they have not been shown genuine love. The teachers were also made to understand that no child is useless. They were told to stop writing-off the unrepentant students. “They will become a star when you occupy them. Give to student fellowship and behave like the missionary that you really are.”

The teacher were challenged to stop going about with the title of a Christian without occupying their territories for Jesus. Retirees were encouraged not to be aloof in this regard. They were encouraged to adapt a school to use for fellowship.

Teamwork is very crucial in this regard if we are to occupy because the Bible says one will only chase a thousand but via teamwork, what will be achieved will be a milestone.

As part of its agenda to reach out to the students the Ikeja zone of the teachers fellowship resolved to organize a free summer school programme for students in Ikeja and its environs at Ojodu Grammar School between 14th – 25th August, 2019 from 9 am – 2pm daily.



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Oni June 1, 2022 - 9:04 am

How do I join Christian teachers Association in Lagos


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