Kumuyi's prayers

Lagos PFN on Kumuyi @80: “How God used him to roll away our reproach”

by Church Times

The Lagos Chapter of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria has sent a special message of appreciation to Pastor Williams Kumuyi who is 80 on June 6.

The fellowship, in a statement signed by its secretary, Apostle Akin Akindejoye also thanked Pastor Kumuyi for underwriting the bill for its state secretariat which runs into millions.

The statement reads, “The PFN Lagos State and indeed the body of Christ cannot forget in a hurry how the Lord single-handedly used you to underwrite the purchase of the State Secretariat.

“We are proud to say, sir, that that singular action has changed the status of PFN in Lagos and rolled away the reproach of Egypt from us.  Thank you daddy for being a father to us.”

On his 80th birthday, the body wrote, “We are grateful to the Almighty God whose you are and whom you serve who has graciously preserved you to see today as you mark your 80th birthday in fulfillment of His word in  Psalm 91:16  “With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation”.

Lagos PFN also noted the spiritual and strategic importance of Pastor Kumuyi to the Body of Christ as well as “his unblemished record over the years”

The fellowship states further that pastor Kumuyi has “preached the good news and taught the undiluted word of God with an unrivaled passion”

It added that his impact is not only felt in Nigeria but across the world. “You have made an indelible mark on the sands of time. Glory be to God Almighty.” The body noted.

The Lagos PFN then prayed that the Lord would satisfy him with long life. “He has shown you his Salvation. We further pray that God Almighty will yet satisfy you with good health, that your strength will not abate and your eyes will not dim as you continue to wax stronger and stronger doing what the Lord has called you to do: winning souls into his Kingdom.”


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