wisdom nugget

How to know and take care of the “wife” that will follow you to eternity

by Church Times

“To care about your outward appearance is important, but what’s more important is to have a beautiful soul.” – Roy T. Bennett

Our story for today is titled “A king and four Wives inspirational story.” It is a short story to inspire you and take a better view of things you need to care about more in life.
The question to answer is “Which one of the wives will go with you into the outer life? Please enjoy it.

“Once upon a time, there was a king, but one day the king got sick and was on his deathbed, afraid of being in the afterlife alone. He called for his fourth wife, whom he loved the most, and bought her precious diamonds, gold, and elegant clothing.”

“He asked her, “Would you die with me? and go with me to the afterlife?”

His fourth wife moved away, a little and replied, ” I’m sorry, I can’t do that and walked away.”

“He also loved his third wife. He was the one whom he admired a lot and would show her off to neighboring kingdoms.”

“So, he asked his third wife, “would you accompany me to the afterlife.”

“The third wife replied ” I love my life very much, I can not go with you, I’m sorry and after your death, I’m going to remarry. “

“His second wife was the one who has always been there for him in his good and bad times. So he asked, ”would you go to the afterlife with me.”

“The second wife then replied, ”I’m sorry but I can’t assist you out at this point, but what I can do is organize your funeral and I will be there throughout your funeral.”

“A voice called out and said, “I’ll leave with you and follow you wherever you go even if it is to the afterlife.”

“The king looked and it was his first wife, but this was the wife that he took care of the least. He felt ashamed and said, “I’m sorry for my ignorance, I should’ve given attention to you and given you better care and love when I was young and healthy.”

(Source: OuitPit.com Live in the Present | A short stories collection)


We all have four wives:

1. Our fourth wife is our body. We love to adore it with nice jewelry, and nice clothing but in the end, it can’t follow us to the afterlife.

2. The third wife represents our possessions. We spend our whole life, time trying to gather possessions, but in the end, they cannot follow us to the afterlife. It will be given to other people and divided. Just like the 3rd wife said she’s going to remarry.

3. The second wife, our friends, and our family. We have faith in them, they’re there for us always in times of want. but the furthest they can go with us is to our funeral and send us off.

4. Our first wife represents our soul. We usually neglect taking care of our souls. The soul is the only one that is truly ours and will go with us in the afterlife.


¶ Care for your body and keep it healthy.

¶ Enjoy your possessions and the comfort they provide.

¶ Appreciate your friends and family for the love, care, and support that they provide.

¶ But don’t forget to take care of your soul, nourish your soul. Give time to meditate, because it is the strength, and source of all of your life and your most faithful friend.


Let’s note that a beautiful soul is a rare thing and it’s about having a kind and loving heart, having such a positive vibe that people around them feel at peace whenever these beautiful souls are around. They help everyone around them to achieve their best.

Peace and grace be with you!

© Dr. Oyewole Sarumi
Coach. Trainer. Speaker


“You can reach the author for spiritual leadership coaching and development through Email: leadershipmgtservice@gmail.com

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