sunday adelaja

In Saudi Arabia I will remove my Christian garment- Sunday Adelaja

by Church Times

Kingdom Gospel: In Saudi Arabia I will remove my Christian garment

Nigerian born founder of Ukraine based Embassy of Blessed Kingdom for All nations, Pastor Sunday Adelaja has given hints on how to win Saudi Arabia for Jesus if he were to take the gospel to that country.

In a new interview posted online, Adelaja said he would make the same impact he made in  Ukraine in Saudi Arabia if he has the opportunity of going to that part of the world to preach the gospel.


Adelaja who has made tremendous impact in Ukraine since he got to that country in the 80s when he was 19; said winning Saudi Arabia would require the wisdom of God. He however declared that the gospel of the kingdom has the capacity to break through the stronghold in that part of the world.

Kingdom gospel: How it can cause change

He said the first step he would take would be to pull down his Christian garment when he gets to Saudi Arabia. “What people must realize is that the cloth we wear is Christianity but that is not our real identity. The fact that I am a Christian is not my identity. People don’t need the garment they need who I am. I am a God carrier. I will be willing to go to the mosque with them and sit down with them because I am a friend of God. I will be hearing from God and will be carrying his presence. I will pray with them and eat with them and play with them. If I know myself as a God carrier I will disseminate the God that I carry. I will carry God in such a way that I will release him. I could be hidden but the God in me cannot be hidden.”


Pastor Adelaja


He said anybody who wants to preach in such place must first realize that he is a friend of God. “We must first understand that we are carriers of the truth and carriers of light. And because we carry light we will shine in the darkness around us. We must also realize that we are kingdom imposer. I am a speaker of truth and lover of truth. I am a carrier of light. I will shine. When my life radiates the glory of God, it will attract people to God.”

He said his mission in Saudi will not be to start a church. “Because I am a kingdom imposer my vision will be to impose the kingdom culture and not build a church. I will be releasing the kingdom of God around me. The kingdom cannot be hidden. It is the kingdom principles that I practice and tell them about that will attract them to the king.”

Adelaja who has over the years been at the throat of many church leaders in Nigeria explained further that when the people recognize the truth it will be easy to win them. “When they are attracted to the truth they will like the truth to dwell in them.”

Read also: What Islam did to my psyche- Reverend who holds Phd in Islam

Giving further insight, he said, “What you know does not matter it is who you are. Who you are comes from what you know. What you know is 10 percent of what you are. You got to know who you are. Knowing things does not mean anything until you make what you know a reality in your life. The knowledge you have is only 10 percent of your life. Who you are is 40 percent. The aura of God that you carry is 50 percent. Personal relationship with God which is the aura can be made possible if you have a relationship with God. And that is what you need to win the lost to Christ”




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