kidnapped CAN chairman

Kidnapped CAN chairman: CAN cries out! …”we can’t afford losing him, tells FG to help secure release

by Church Times

Kidnapped CAN chairman: FG urged to secure release



The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has cried out to the Federal Government urging it to deploy all necessary resources to ensure the release of the kidnapped chairman of CAN, Nasarawa State, Bishop Joseph Masin.


Masin was kidnapped on Wednesday night, May 27, 2020, by some gunmen who stormed his residence in Bukan-Sidi, Lafia metropolis. They are demanding for N20m ransom.



In a statement signed by the General Secretary of the body, Barr. Joseph Bade Daramola, the association said it was trying to avoid chaos and thereby placing a demand on the Federal Government and the Nasarawa State Government to ensure the safety and immediate release of Bishop Masin before it is too late.


The body said, “We will not accept losing another state Chairman like we lost the CAN Chairman, Rev. Lawan Andimi, in Adamawa State, who was gruesomely murdered by terrorists while our security agencies appeared powerless, helpless and de-robbed of their armor.”



CAN expressed disgust at the way terrorists, herdsmen, kidnappers and bandits have been operating in the country, killing and maiming innocent citizens without being apprehended.


“This is totally unacceptable and demeaning to this great country which is generally styled as the Giant of Africa. It is only in Nigeria that we are having mass burials when we are not in a civil war. This kind of non-responsive situation can easily lead to a breakdown of law and order and must be consciously avoided by a positive responsiveness of our leaders.”


The association lamented that “Just a few days ago, some hoodlums in the guise of Fulani herdsmen invaded some predominantly Christian communities in Kaduna State, killing the innocent people and up till now, no one has been brought to book. Everyone knows that it is the primary responsibility of government anywhere in the world to protect the lives and property of its citizens, but this has become history in Nigeria. This should not be.”


CAN then demanded “immediate release of Bishop Joseph Masin from his captors. Immediate release of Leah Sharibu and all Nigerians in the captivity of terrorists and Immediate and permanent end of the ongoing genocide in Southern Kaduna and other states in the country where similar detestable crimes are ongoing.


The body then prayed that the Almighty God will “deliver Bishop Joseph Masin  completely, uphold members of his family, strengthen the entire Christian community and protect the nation from evil and its perpetrators.”



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1 comment

Good News amongst much bad news for the troubled church in Nigeria - Back to Jerusalem June 2, 2020 - 3:39 pm

[…] in a gruesome way by his Boko Haram kidnappers. To prevent the loss of another beloved leader, the CAN called on the government to intervene, something the government has been unable or reluctant to do in many of the recent […]


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