
How Apostle Johnson Suleiman got his private jet-Reno Omokri

by Church Times

A former aide to Ex-president Goodluck Jonathan Mr. Reno Omokri has given an insight into the newly acquired jet by Apostle Johnson Suleiman.
He also urged popular radio presenter Daddy Freeze to get his facts right before lampooning men of God.
In an online broadcast that is currently trending, Omokri said Suleiman whom he described as a very close friend never bought a jet. “He does not even know how much a jet cost neither does he know the cost of maintaining it.” He said.
He however explained that the jet Suleiman is being criticized of owning was bought for him by two young men whom he sponsored their education oversees.


Reno Omokri

“Johnson Suleiman did not buy a jet. The jet everybody seems to be criticizing him for was bought for him by two young men that he sponsored their education in foreign schools.”
Though he did not mention the names of the two young men whom he said would not like their good deeds to be made public, Omokri said, “I can tell you that Apostle Suleiman does not know anything about the cost of a jet and he did not buy one.
“Apostle Suleiman is a very caring and generous man. He has been doing a lot of good things and empowering a lot of people. These two young men are people he took up their education. They are not related to him by anyway but he sponsored their education and now that they have become wealthy decided to buy the jet for him.”
While noting that the cost of flying around the world and the logistics involved could be mind-blowing he explained that these men of God who ride in private jets are not doing it for fun. “For instance I travel a lot round the world. I have been travelling recently campaigning for the release of Leah Sharibu and now I know what it means to travel from one country to another. So I think we should be temperate in our criticism of these church leaders.”
He said many of the church leaders like Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Bishop David Oyedepo, Pastor Williams Kumuyi are doing a lot for the body of Christ; unfortunately they are being criticized from both within and outside the church. “This is not too good” he said.
Omokri who was sporting a shirt with the inscription Free Leah Sharibu said he had to cut his preaching engagements because of the campaign to release Sharibu which he embarked on months ago.
He said he has had to link Daddy Freeze with Apostle Suleiman so the latter could have a first-hand information on the jet; instead of spreading unfounded story.
He then urged Christians to pray for church leaders stating that it is not fair on these men of God to be criticized despite the great things they are doing for humanity.
Omokri who has also been critical of the Church and men of God who hold the word of God lightly said the unity of the church is not negotiable.
“It is the desire of God that his will, would be done here on earth as it is done in heaven. There is only one body of Christ in heaven and it is the desire of God that the church would be one here on earth. Once we agree on the common things that binds us together we must eschew all forms of disunity.”
He said he believed one of the reasons God sent him to the world is to preach about the unity of the body of Christ.

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1 comment

Daughter Zion April 24, 2019 - 6:01 pm

Wonders will never end in Nigeria. Reno is now the new spoke person for Apostle Suleiman, because of friendship with Suleiman he cannot see and speak the truth. This just shows his double standard.

Let’s even assume that the story is true that two people actually bought the jet for Suleiman. Definitely the people told Suleiman about it before buying it way before it was purchased. Jet is not something you just go to the shop to buy like food, shoe or even a car. The jet was not brought to Suleiman as a surprise. This is not the type of gift that the recipient would not have a knowledge of before it was presented. This gift is the idol in the heart of Suleiman.
Ezekiel 14: 1-3 says … Some of the elders of Israel came to me and sat down in front of me. Then the word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, these men have set up idols in their hearts and put wicked stumbling blocks before their faces. Should I let them inquire of me at all?

If Suleiman does not want to belong to the category of pastors that owns jet he would have refused the gift and told the givers to buy him something else or give him the money. Please don’t let us deceive ourselves, these so called business-pastors are only taking care of themselves, their families and their unborn generations like the politicians. They only give a small crumbs to their members in the name of charity just to silent the people, God will surely judge them if they don’t repent.

However, I have not seen the impact of the message of these jet-pastors on the Nigeria people despite all their noise of owning a jet because they want to reach the world. Have they reached the people in their village talk less of Nigeria? All they preach is sensation, nothing scriptural. They keep saying God will do it for their congregation tomorrow, tomorrow hasn’t come and they continue to wait, hopefully it will come in their life time. The preaching of these business-pastors only work for them and their cronies not the ordinary poor congregants.

I once heard a story about a discussion between one of the Popes and Thomas Aquinas. The Pope looked at the holdings of the church and said “no longer do we have to say silver and gold I have not in the church. Then Thomas answered “yes and no longer can we say in the name of Jesus rise up and walk”. This dialogue summarizes the state of the Nigerian church.

Jesus is coming back soon. If you are really expecting the coming of the Lord remember that anything that does not go with you to the grave doesn’t belong to you.


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