I carry a lot of Nigeria’s secret which I may die with- Apostle Kure

by Church Times



By Gbenga Osinaike

The National Secretary of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, Apostle Nuhu Kure has said he has had to carry many of Nigeria’s secret which he may die with except God permits him to release the secrets to the public.

He made this declaration in a television interview on Monday with Dove Media, the official television of the Redeemed Christian Church of God..

Kure who was on the programme for the second time in eight days said he has had to keep many of the things he knows about Nigeria to himself pointing out that though he related with many of the past leaders of the country including the duo of late General Sanni Abacha and the late Musa Yar’adua, God has not permitted him to reveal such high level secret to the public.

He also used the opportunity to debunk insinuations that he must have made so much money from his closeness to the heads of state. He said, “The fact that I was close to the presidents of Nigeria does not mean that I should take advantage of the closeness and make public comments. God has not permitted me to do that. I will also like to say that my closeness with them has not in any way enriched me. I do not get involved in distributing money or collecting money from them”

Kure who is the General Overseer of Throne Room Ministry based in Kafancha was among the four church leaders that were with the late Musa Yardua during his last few days on the sick bed. Other Church leaders with him were Bishop David Oyedepo, Prof Obaje and Archbishop John Onayekan.

While disclosing that he had not gone this far in any interview to talk about the events of the last days of the late President Yardua, he said, “None of the four of us who were with the late president Yardua had opened our mouths carelessly in the public to make comments. That is responsibility. If Bishop Oyedepo for instance opens his mouth to talk this nation will stand still. Any man of God who takes advantage of his closeness to power to make careless statements will not be helping the cause of his ministry.

Giving further insight into his closeness with the past presidents in Nigeria he said, “Usually I do not go looking for them. They come to ask for me and sometimes come to meet me in Kafancha. When they can’t come they invite me to come and see them and I oblige. Usually their invitations were usually prompted by a need for counsel and the need for divine direction. And I can tell you I have not failed to deliver the mind of God even when it did not go down well with them.”

He said he was quite close to President Goodluck Jonathan and that he had cause to tell him the mind of God. “There is no truth we did not tell Jonathan. We can only be oracles of God and we can’t force the message. There was a time I was with President Jonathan. He actually asked for prayers but I told him I was not going to pray. I refused to pray with him because I did not feel led. But he was not offended. Ordinarily he should have cut me off long ago. But he still had cause to tolerate me despite the fact that I was quite frank with him.”

Kure however disclosed that he was banned from Aso Rock for three years during the tenure of President Olusegun Obasanjo adding however that Obasanjo had to call him back perhaps unknown to him that I had been denied access to Aso Rock.

The Throne Room General Overseer who was full of praises for Pastor Enoch Adeboye for being one of those who made him feel a sense of belonging however told the interviewer, Mr. Dele Oke that he has never been close to President Mohammadu Buhari and his Vice, Professor Yemi Osibajo.

This according to him is in spite of being on the same board of the Redeemer’s University with Prof. Osibajo. He disclosed also that he met the governor of Kaduna State for the first time a few days ago pointing out that he had useful discussion with him for four hours.

While expressing confidence in the destiny and purpose of Nigeria, he said any part of the country that tries to secede may not do well pointing out that “though the marriage of Nigeria was faulty, God is using Nigeria for the purpose of making the black race fulfil purpose. “The way the colonial masters put us together is not right. There was no basis for our being lumped together to form Nigeria. But since they have made that error, God has decided to use it for the purpose of making Nigeria like an umbrella for Africa. Nigeria is the hope of the black race” he said.

Apostle Kure who operates in the prophetic ministry and who has made a lot of inroad both in Nigeria and abroad consulting for presidents pointed out in the one-hour interview that the problem of the church in Nigeria is that it is being weighed down by the cares of this life.

“The reason why we are not making impact the way we should is that we are being weighed down by the cares of this life. The recession that we are experiencing is to separate those who are genuinely serving God from those who are not.



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