
Jesus visits Muslim Lady…commands her to preach the gospel

by Church Times

A lady, Farida Sali from Kano, Nigeria has testified how Jesus visited her and showed her the way of salvation and then asked her to preach the gospel.

Sali gave the testimony at the April 2019 Holy Ghost night of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, which held at the Shimawa convention ground of the church.

Sali told the large gathering that she was visited by a strange being in 2017. She said, “I saw a man appear to me in my room and his presence was so awesome. His presence was so strong in the room that I began to pray against him in the Islamic way. I made a lot of incantation but his presence was still strong in the room.

“My people had to take me to a psychiatric hospital to find out if I had a mental problem. But was told I was mentally okay that they should take me to native people to find solution to what I was going through. I kept seeing the personality.”

She said she later discovered it was Jesus who had appeared to her.

In one of the encounters she said Jesus “gave me several scriptures including John 3v16, Prov 18v10, Isaiah 42v1-5, Jeremiah 51v21-23 and commanded me to go and preach the gospel. But I protested that I had never been to school and wondered how I would preach the gospel. He then touched my tongue. Immediately I began to speak English.”

Read also: Adesina: Pastor Who teaches Islam…My 40-year sojourn in Islam (1)

Sali declared she now experiences inexplicable peace since the encounter. She confessed that she had never been to school and wondered how she was able to speak English noting however that  it was after the encounter with Jesus that she began to speak English when Jesus touched her tongue.

She said she now enrolled in an adult education school to learn ABC. “Jesus has not abandoned me since that encounter. I give him all the glory” she said.

The testimony drew a wild applause from the audience as she was immediately escorted out of the auditorium.

Story by Gbenga Osinaike

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