Holy Communion

Holy Communion: How not to take it- Pastor Adeboye

by Church Times

Holy Communion:

holy communion



The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye has given insight on how not to take the Holy Communion while also pointing out the reasons believers take the holy sacrament.


Speaking at the monthly Holy Communion service held online today April 30, Adeboye said there is danger in taking the Holy Communion along with unbelievers adding also that the Holy Communion should not be taken unworthily.


He specifically instructed those who want to take communion in their different homes to do so in the company of fellow believers. He said those who have children or loved ones around who were yet to give their lives to Christ should appeal to them to do so before taking the Holy Communion in their company.


He said if they now refuse to surrender their lives to Christ such people should be excused from the communion ceremony pointing out that believers need to take the communion in a worthy manner.

Quoting 2 Cor. 6v14-18, he said, “It is forbidden by the Lord to permit on the Lord’s Table, people that are toying with sin. Holy Communion is for believers alone. There is power in the communion to heal and there is also power in the communion to kill. If you take it worthily, you are applying the healing stripes of Jesus. You can chase sickness out of your body. But if it is taken unworthily, it can result to sickness and sudden death.”


Holy Communion: Why we take it

The communion according to him is essentially taken to remember Jesus Christ and what he came to do when he came to the world physically.


He said in remembering Jesus, “We remember all that he did and said before he ascended back to heaven. He said where two or three are gathered in his name he is in their midst. He also said if two people shall agree on a thing on earth it shall be done for them in heaven.”

While stressing on the importance of the prayer of agreement, he said, “When two people agree in prayer it produces a tremendous results. The voice of two people praying concerning anything they desire is like the voice of 10 people before God. Their prayers receive speedy answers from the Lord.”

Read also: Anointing, don’t commercialize it-Adeboyehttps://churchtimesnigeria.net/anointing-rccg-pastors-adeboye/

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