Ex-Guardian journalists recount experience writing The Guardian story @ JFC meeting

by Church Times

Authors of The Making of the Nigerian Flagship: The story of the Guardian, Aaron Ukodie and Seun Ogunseitan have recounted their experience writing the book.

They described their effort as a manifestation of God’s grace.

The duo were guests speakers, at the meeting of Journalists for Christ which held on Saturday, June 26 at the International Press Centre Ogba, Lagos.Book

Ukodie and Ogunseitan recalled their early years in journalism and how they benefitted from the rich human resources in The Guardian.

In his account,  Ogunseitan, a veteran science reporter and Specialist Journalist said his experience in the Guardian stable contributed a lot to the person he has become.

He however noted that it took God’s grace, a lot of courage, and determination on his own part to get this far in life.

He said, “I was almost always working all through. I had the privilege of being personally taught by the best hands. Mr. Femi Kusa took the time to teach me. I recall that I was always sometimes left alone with him working on my stories. You don’t watch a man correcting your stories and not improve.”



While recalling that he began using the computer about 40 years ago when it was not too common, he said, “I was always going home late because I was consumed in the job. I had this relationship with the computer people and that enabled me to use the computer. I could type my scripts and take them through all the processes. That peculiar association with the computer typesetters made me know about production.”

Ogunseitan however said nothing compares with pursuing purpose in life. He said “journalism can be distractive but “we must learn to number our days and give account for every day we spend on earth through the help of God”

Giving his own account, Ukodie who is now the publisher of E-world  Magazine noted that the experience of writing the book on the Guardian is an unforgettable one.

He said putting the book together was a manifestation of God’s grace, adding,  “Nothing you desire can compare with wisdom. Knowing God is pursuing godliness. Getting wisdom and applying wisdom to our daily lives matters a lot.”

While talking on “teach us to number our days” which was the theme of the JFC meeting, he noted, “we are not the one to number our days. It is God who does. We can’t say this is what we are to do except God gives us the capacity.

“God does not look at our days as per the day we were born say up to 50 years. God is more concerned about the value we put in those days.  God was more concerned about the chronology of Seth in the Bible as against that of Cain because Seth made more mark. To God, the years that Seth lived mattered to Him because he lived according to God’s will.”

The E-World publisher observed that many journalists deal on things that do not matter urging them to spend time meditating on God’s word.

“In meditating on our daily activities, it is important to meditate on the word of God. You need to walk in the wisdom of God, eating His word. It will give you clarity and purpose,” he said

Ukodie made copious references to the Bible urging journalists to make the most of their time. “Recognise and take advantage of each opportunity. In pursuing stories, we must pursue opportunity. What matters is doing God’s will.”


Talking on the Guardian book which he co-authored, he said, “In the book, we noted how keen we were about getting good stories. We identified people who were keen on getting good stories, not for pecuniary gains. We had a tradition of excellence in The Guardian. As a person of God, you need passion to do things differently. We must keep asking ourselves, how will this thing be relevant to my readers and listeners.”

He said further that since he came to know God, “He has been leading and directing my path. There is nothing wrong with planning. But God is the one who plans our day. Joseph had a dream but God led him.”

He described success as “not the accumulation of wealth but how well you live your life in serving others,” adding that “writing the Guardian book was a good experience.”

Book on The Guardian, a great collection


Participants at the JFC meeting

In his remark at the event, President of Journalists for Christ, Mr. Lekan Otufodunrin described the book, which cost N25, 000 as a great collection. “I have a copy of the book. It’s expensive but I had to buy it because it’s an investment that is worth it. They did a great job profiling the story of the Guardian.”

Otufodunrin expressed the wish that such effort could be replicated for other media organizations.


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