girl child

Encourage girls to embrace STEM, Omotosho tells parents, teachers

by Church Times

President of Anchor International Outreach ministry, Dr. Bolarinwa Omotosho, has urged parents and those responsible for training girls to encourage them to embrace STEM, Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics

Omotosho made the call at a training session on Saturday, October 10 ahead of the International Day of the Girl Child which was celebrated globally on October 11.


Dr. Omotosho addressing participants at the workshop

Girl child should embrace STEM

At the event which took place on the premises of the West Africa Theological Seminary, Ipaja, Lagos, Omotosho emphasised the need for the girl child to embrace these disciplines known as STEM (Science, Technology Education, Mathematics)

He said “the age we are in, is the age of digital technology. The girl child is capable of excelling in the sciences, technology, education, and mathematics like her male counterpart. So she should not be left behind. She should be encouraged. Science and technology is not an exclusive field for the male child”

While noting that many girls are now embracing science and technology, he said the percentage is still not too encouraging. “We must continue to make our girls understand that they have great ability to could be harnessed for the common good. They should not be conditioned to think they are only for the kitchen when they marry or the other room as some would say.  They have been graced by God to do exploit and also help the economy so they should be encouraged to be part of what their male counterpart do” he said.

On the International Day of the Girl Child, he called on teachers and parents to “tear down barriers of discrimination that hold girls back in our society”.

He also expressed displeasure at the alarming rate of abuse faced by girls in Nigeria.

According to him, the increasing abuse of the girl child informed many of the workshops and conferences carried out by his organisation.

Participants after the training session

Leading Next Generation Leaders Mega Youth Summit 2021

He then disclosed that Anchor International Care and Humanitarian Initiative, which is an arm of his ministry will host the Leading the Next-Generation Leaders Mega Youth Summit, 2021.

The summit according to him is to commemorate International Day of the Girl. Tagged: “I am Forever Precious”

The summit which will hold on Saturday 18th, December according to a statement is a multicultural, intergenerational, interdenominational, and interdisciplinary event. The summit will give opportunities for boys and girls to interact, share their challenges, and seeks ways of participating in governance.

The summit will also seek to address issues of unemployment, gender equality, misuse of the internet, pornography, rape, sexual exploitation, and child trafficking.

Participants will be mainly young people. The statement however informed that the organisation expects sponsorship from stakeholders and corporate bodies.

The upcoming historical conference according to the statement is being designed to confront persistent and structural barriers that impede girls’ freedom.

“We want to continue to advocate that every human being, male or female, rich or poor, illiterate or educated, has their own significant uniqueness that makes everyone very precious.

“In particular, campaign for a society where girls’ rights are protected and promoted, where they have access to quality education everywhere and every day. Also, to advocate against the biggest challenges of misuse of social media handles among young people and the effects on the girl child in Nigeria.”

The statement further called on the Nigeria Youth Workers Association (NYWA) and Commonwealth Alliance of Youth Workers Association (CAYWA) to fully immerse themselves into the vision where every youth, particularly girls, will live free from socioeconomic prejudice


For more information on how you can get involved or partner with us for the upcoming Leading the Next-Generation Leaders Mega Youth Summit, 2021, please contacts us at


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