Ekundayo, Harvest Field pastor tasks Buhari on challenges facing Nigeria

by Church Times

Nigeria: Government should tackle the challenges

-By Wilson Adekumola


Ekundayo Francis

The Founder and Senior Pastor, Harvest Field International Church,  Obasanjo, Ota, Ogun State, Rev. Francis Ekundayo has implored President Mohammad Buhari to tackle challenges facing the country noting that whoever is in the position of power is chosen by God.

Ekundayo expressed this concern at a special Sunday Service tagged, “Sunday of Judah” which held recently at the Church’s headquarters in Ota.

According to the cleric, the Sunday of Judah was a special day chosen for praises on divine order, “Judah is all about praises. The name Judah means praise that is why we tagged it “Sunday of Judah”.

God has deliberately chosen it for us as we have never had something like this in the past. We have had praise night but we never had Sunday dedicated to praise God all through. It is different from normal Sunday Service because no other activity is added to it.

He declared at the event. “I want to use this opportunity to implore President Buhari to tackle challenges facing the country.  He should remember that for the fact that he had won the election for the second time consecutively God has chosen him for a particular purpose to fix the nation.

“He should try to make Nigeria better so that not only the wealthy people but also the poor masses can enjoy the country. It is a democracy, so he must make the good of the nation go round.

He said despite the impression of people about the election, “Nigeria is still in the programme of God. So whatever happens to the country today is God’s doing. God knows about our situation. It is what God wants for the country. I believe the election went peacefully. Whoever has won is chosen by God irrespective of religion, tribe or political affiliation.  Nigeria belongs to God and I believe God will take us to the promise land.” He asserted.

“Nigeria is still a developing country, things like election malpractice, irregularities of the conduct of election and all that are bound to happen. It will take some time for us to have absolutely free, fair and credible election. Some people are building the country while some are bringing it down. These latter people want to impose their will on people. They are the strong people in the helm of affairs. At least for now, there is no way we can have election without being marred. But I have that strong conviction that a time is still coming in this country that we will have free, fair and credible election, “he added.

When asked whether the Christians in politics are living up to the billing, Ekundayo who is apolitical said, “I think Christians now understand politics better. I think initially Christians were running from politics but now we understand Christian are supposed to go into politics. If we don’t go into politics we tend to live it in the hands of those we do not want there. Today, we do not have enough Christians in politics and those who are there have deviated from the normal norms, something against their standard but we still have some Christians in the corridors of power who maintain their standard. We do not have to look at that, I believe more Christians will come into politics by then things we be done right”.

He counseled Christians in politics to make God their bedrock. He said, “They should see the position they occupy as God’s place of power. They should not play politics like the unbeliever. They should be quintessential leaders instead of emulating the bad ones. If they make up their mind to do it right things will go right. I want to advise them not to look at the situation of the country. They should just listen to the directive of Holy Ghost. They should not look at the moral decadence but concentrate on what God sent them to do and remedy all the anomalies”, he admonished.




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