Doris Hokett: 84-year-old American renews commitment to missions in Africa @ ICMI anniversary

by Church Times

84-year-old American missionary evangelist, Doris Hokket has renewed her commitment to missions in Africa while also calling for more prayers.

She renewed her commitment at the 19th anniversary of Inheritors Christian Ministry International, Ota, Ogun State on Sunday, October 1.

Hokket with her late husband first came to  Africa in 1967 and lived in Ghana for 20 years doing missions. They moved to Nigeria in 1987 to start an international evangelistic ministry.

Her husband, Arthur Hokket passed to eternity in 2011. They were together for 54 years in marriage before his death. But despite his transition, Doris has continued with the ministry travelling across the world from Nigeria to preach and hold healing and evangelistic meetings.




At the ICMI anniversary, she called on the congregation and lovers of her ministry to continue to pray for her. Using the acronym APPS, she said, “If you remember the APPS that you use on your phone, you will remember to pray for me. A stands for Anointing.

Rev Hokett and Dr Mrs Akindayo

“Pray for more anointing to do the work. P stands for Protection. Pray that God will protect me as I move around preaching the gospel. The other P stands for Provision, pray that God will provide for all that I need for missions. The last letter S stands for strength, that God will strengthen me to accomplish the task ahead.”

Though looking frail physically, she was quite coherent while preaching. She had a deep sense of recall and clarity of speech. She took listeners through memory lane of her missions across the countries of Africa showing pictures of landmark events and miracles experienced on the mission field.

She disclosed that she would be in five more countries to preach the gospel before the year runs out. She has been to 12 countries in the year already.

Relationship with ICMI

Doris and her late husband have had a close and long relationship with the ICMI established by Pastor Dele and Dr. Mrs. Nike Akindayo. Pastor Dele Akindayo too has gone to be with the Lord. But the ministry he left behind is waxing.

Doris’ presence at the ICMI anniversary was a needed elixir to spark the fire of revival among the people. She told the congregation that she always loved to be where Jesus is. “I want to be where Jesus is, where there is love, joy peace. We keep on pushing till our last day on earth.”

Recalling that her husband passed to eternity a night before his birthday, she said, “Since he left to be with the Lord, the ministry has not stopped for one day. We have continued the work. We have supported the establishment of about 130 churches so far from 46 churches as of 12 years ago when my husband went to be with the Lord.”

Thanksgiving time at the 19th anniversary of ICMI



Dorris Hokket, who later preached on the topic: Destiny, told the church that “it cost too much to stay away from the will of God. Just the way God has a plan for your life, so also the devil has a plan for your life. But you have a responsibility to seek the Lord to fulfill destiny.”

She said God had laid in her heart that she would go into missions right from when she was a teenager. Before then, she had a dream to be the best teacher ever. But today, she does more of the teachings among God’s people.”

Using the acronym DESTINY, she said the D stands for dream urging her listeners to dream big. “The E stands for Expect. Expect promotion from the Lord. The S stands for Sow. You need to keep sowing seeds in different forms for the harvest of tomorrow. The T stands for Take authority, the I stands for Increase in faith, The N stands for Never Quit and the Y stands for Yield to God.”

She took time to pray for many at the meeting while urging all to persevere in the work of the ministry.

Earlier at the event, some pioneer members of the church shared testimonies of how God had impacted them through the ICMI. They recalled the labour of love of the Late Pastor Dele Akindayo and his wife, Nike praising God for the great impact they made in their lives.

Dr Mrs Akindayo, an educationist was full of thanks to God for making the anniversary a reality. She noted that God has been faithful in making the ministry continue to wax stronger by the day despite the transition of her husband.

The October 1 event was a culmination of activities marking the anniversary.  The anniversary started on September 29. Several pastors including Apostle Yomi Olapade ministered and Pastor KGO Ipinmoroti ministered at the event.







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