
You Can Walk Out On The Devil..Be bold- David Oyedepo

by Church Times

Devil: You Can Walk Out on him


David and Faith Oyedepo

I believe that we all had specific encounters with God as individuals up to this point in our lives. I pray that everyone’s experience shall be a spiritual asset for life! This month, we shall explore our dominion rights in redemption by examining the topic: You Can Walk Out On the Devil!

We understand from Scriptures that every affliction is one kind of imprisonment or the other. Disease, infirmity, poverty, sin, etc., fall into this category. It is the devil holding such victims hostage. This is reflected in Luke 13:16 when Jesus said: And ought not this woman…whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond? And just like Jesus freed himself from the depths of hell (in the devil’s imprisonment), by spoiling principalities and powers and triumphing over them, you too can walk out on the devil, and his hierarchies, and from any of his prison houses. The devil has not enough force to hold you bound any more. Jesus, the Master, has broken every fetter! Friend, you can walk out on the devil!

How then can you walk out on the Devil?

  • Release Your Faith: The enemy you have to contend with is not physical; so, you cannot attack him with physical weapons. As it is written: For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (physical), but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:3-4). The only way to stand against him is to resist him with your faith (1 John 5:4).The Christian life is a life of faith. God is a faith God, and for anybody to live up to His expectation, he has to live by faith too (Hebrews 11:6).The enemy knows that you are what your faith is. The quality of your life is a product of your faith. You will never get any victory that is bigger than your faith. This is why the enemy is constantly warring against you, to make sure that your faith is weakened. Your faith is the fortress that keeps the devil off your territory (Ephesians 6:16). The problem with most people is that instead of walking by faith, they choose to walk by sight. They depend solely on their five senses. But God’s intention for you is to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).


  • Know the Word: The devil is riding on quite a lot of people today because of their ignorance. Hosea 4:6 says: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. You don’t have to be a prey. There is enough provision to make you wiser than your enemies. The Word of God is the greatest mystery of all. It is too high for the devil to comprehend. With all that Jesus said about His death and resurrection, the Bible says, “If he (satan) had known, he would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1 Corinthians 2:8). That’s how ignorant satan is! When you sit down with your Bible for proper studies and deep meditation, the devil will be wise enough to keep off your environment. God’s Word can never be made invalid or ineffective. The Bible says God’s Word is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).


  • Embrace the Word: The Word is the illuminator of the believer. The Bible says: The entrance of the word giveth light (Psalm 119:130). Everyone God has lifted in ministry, business or any other area of life has always attributed it to a word that came. Something always enters before something happens. When a Word comes from heaven, it makes the difference. Your distinction and separation is in the Word of God. The difference between you and everybody else will be determined by the Word. This is why you just have to embrace God’s Word, more than your necessary food and all other necessities of life.


  • Prophesy: When Jesus Christ was at the tomb of Lazarus, He did not ask God to speak to the dead man. He did it Himself – “Lazarus, come forth!” The Bible says: …the strangers shall hear (your) voice and as soon as they do, they shall fade away from their hiding places (Psalm 18:44-45). It’s time to speak out the way you want things to be and see heaven establish your decree (Job 22:28).You have to do it yourself; there is great power in your mouth. There is a deposit of creative power in you that is released through your mouth (Luke 21:15).The moment you get what the Word says about your situation, faith is built up, you present your case, you stand to address the situation, and that creative miraculous power is released into the situation. If you keep your mouth closed, your life will be closed! If you take the Word of God and speak it boldly to your situation by faith, what you say is as powerful and as effective as when Jesus Himself is speaking it. It is impossible to walk in the realm of signs and wonders without the correct use of your mouth. Your victory in every battle of life is tied to your mouth.

In conclusion, there are many Christians who allow the devil to have his way in their lives without any resistance whatsoever. The Christians who will make it this end-time are soldiers. You cannot be a child forever. A child is no better than a slave because he remains under governors and tutors until he grows. Even though all things are his, he wouldn’t enjoy anything (Galatians 4:1-2).You must enlist as part of these end-time soldiers by surrendering yourself to Jesus, so as to enjoy this supernatural life.

Are you born again? If you are not, this is an opportunity to do so. Simply say the following prayer: Lord Jesus, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. Today, I accept You as my Lord and personal Saviour. Thank You Jesus for saving me! Now I know I am born again!” For further reading, please get my books: Turnaround Power of the Word, The Force of Freedom, Walking in Dominion, Satan Get Lost, Born to Win and Fulfilling your Days.

I invite you to fellowship with us at the Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, the covenant home of Winners. We have four services on Sundays, holding at 6:00 a.m., 7:50 a.m., 9:40 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. respectively. I know this teaching has blessed you. Write and share your testimony with me through: Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, P.M.B. 21688, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria; or call 01-4548070, 01-4548280; or; Face book:;  Twitter: @DavidOyedepoMin

Bishop Oyedepo is the Founder of Living Faith Church aka Winners Chapel

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