Adeboye on sex

How devil almost stopped me from January holy ghost service- Adeboye

insists God is yet to talk on coming election… declares 50-day fast for members

by Church Times

General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye has narrated how he almost could not make it to the January Holy Ghost service of the church.

 Adeboye who chose to sit throughout his ministration at the first holy ghost service of RCCG for 2023 said he was tied down by a strange stomach ailment.

He said, “The devil fought so I would not be here this evening. I have been in my prayer room for days I did not go out. I can’t remember eating anything. But I woke up this morning with a terrible stomach disorder.”

 Adeboye who began preaching at about 11 pm on Friday, January 6 said the stomach disorder was such that he had not experienced for a long time.  He said he went to the toilet expecting he would ease himself. But he could not.


The pain grew worse

 He however had to go and pray with the senior pastor at 6 o clock. “The one hour I spent with them was a little hell on earth. They did not notice. I managed to get to my prayer room after the prayer” he said.

 According to him by the time the holy ghost service began, the pain grew worse. But then he was connected to the service via the television in his prayer room and was listening to one of the preachers at the service. “Little by little I was listening to the preacher,” he said.

 The RCCG overseer described the message as a beautiful sermon saying the preacher did excellently well, “That was like me” he said.

 “He was preaching and I was listening even though I was in agony. All of a sudden he said, say amen somebody. He said there was a brother who said amen and what was troubling him got out of him. I said amen loud and clear.”

 Few minutes after he said, amen, he felt the urge to run to the toilet. “I ran to the toilet and what was troubling me got out,” Adeboye said as the congregation erupted in excitement.

50-day fast for RCCG members

 Shortly after the testimony, he announced the yearly fast of the church saying it will commence by January 11 and would last for 50 days.

 He said those who miss any day of the 50-day fast would have to fast for two days extra. Those who are over 70 years were admonished to break by 3 pm if they insist they must be part of the exercise. Those above 80 are required to break at 12 if they strongly desire to be part of it too.

 Adeboye added that some people can decide to do 21 days at a stretch. Such people are exempted from the 50-day fast. He said however that as the General Overseer, he would actively be part of the exercise despite the exemption he gave people over 70.

 In the course of the message titled, Wonderful, the RCCG Overseer said most of the political rallies going on around the country are filled with rented crowds. He said the same set of people is being paid to attend the rallies.

He insisted that God was yet to say anything about the winner of the next presidential election adding however that Nigerians should go and get their PVC and vote in the election. “If God tells me anything I will tell you and I may not tell you. But he is yet to say anything” he said.


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