Despite challenges, God has been good to Nigerians -Group

by Church Times

Despite the economic downturn in the country the Christian Conscience group  has observed that God has remained faithful to Nigeria in helping its citizens to overcome those challenges

The group made the observation in a statement signed by its national  publicity secretary, Mr Tunji Oguntuase

The statement reads ‘Though globally, the economy has nosedived, the effects are no doubt biting harder in the country, especially now that many homes cannot afford basic amenities on a daily basis.þ But we are hopeful that Nigeria will overcome these challenges’ because God has remained faithful to us. We have experienced similar crisis in the past. God saw us through . He will see us through the present challenges. ‘

The group however called on Nigerians to continue to pray for the country.  ‘As the Nation goes into the 2023 general elections, we are calling on Nigerians to engage in ceaseless prayers  for the nation. We are also pleading with Nigerians to conduct themselves well and ensure that the coming election is successful. ‘

The group also expressed the wish that the Lord will make the 2023 elections produce  a fearless, Godly & true leader that will ease the sufferings and hardships that pervades the land.

Quoting 1st Thessalonian 5:17, the group emphasised that  Nigerians should pray without ceasing so as to have a hitch free and successful elections because the Nigerian Project is that of God and He will not forsake His people.

While wishing Nigerians a successful and rewarding 2023, the group enjoined Nigerians to move closer to God so that He can walk His purposes in our situations.

It also  admonished Nigerians to get their Permanent Voters Card (PVC) so as to vote their preferred  candidates  that will have the fear of God and eager to serve the interest of the populace.

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