Bishop Akanbi

Anglican Bishop defies “demonic threat” orders school’s reopening

by Church Times

The Bishop of Offa Diocese of the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion, The Rt. Rev Olusola Akanbi has ordered the continuation of normal school activities at the St Claire’s Anglican Secondary School, Offa, Kwara State despite fears of demonic threat in the school.

There were reports on social media last week that the school was shut down following fears of demonic attacks. The students of the school reportedly said they heard some strange sound which caused pandemonium in the school’s premises

But Bishop Akanbi who is the proprietor of the school explained in a statement that the school was not shut down as reported. He said the school was rather closed for the day to douse the tension that ensued as a result of the alleged strange development.

The bishop has however ordered the continuation of normal school activities after meeting with the staff of the school.

Before the incident which happened on May 28, the school community had embarked on a three-day prayer and fasting for its progress and development.

A statement by the Director of Administration, Offa Diocese of the African Communion, The Ven Augustine Oguntebi, said the prayer programme might have led to the manifestations of strange forces in the school.

He said, “to douse the tension, the school was closed for the day but it was not a total shut down of the school as erroneously reported in the media. The school was closed last Friday when some students reported that they heard some strange sounds”

Bishop Akanbi holds prayer walk for the school

Bishop Akanbi

Anglican priests on a prayer walk at the schools premises

Following the strange experience, Bishop Akanbi was said to have led a group of priests to the school at 7 am on Monday, May 31  to pray for the school. The Bishop also addressed both staff and students of the school shortly after the prayer.

This encouraged both staff and students of the school to continue with their activities.

The Bishop then advised the government to allow spiritual activities in schools.

He said, “The said demonic invasion is not a strange occurrence in schools all over the country. It has been reported in schools owned by communities, Christians and Muslims,” the statement said.

He advised parents to monitor their wards and take proactive steps should they notice anything strange with them.

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