
Christopher Kolade: God has done what he ought to do for Nigeria

by Church Times

Former Nigerian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Dr. Christopher Kolade has observed that there is nothing we want God to do in Nigeria that he has not done.

He made the observation at a meeting of the Managing Business for Christ on Saturday, June 12.

Kolade who is also the chairman of MBFC said at the forum that God has been gracious to Nigeria. He however noted that the ball is in the courts of the believers to deploy their identity for the good of the land.

He said, “God has given us resources, he has given us intelligence. We have all been given gifts. But yet today, the thing you hear most is that we are a failed nation. Think of the young people growing up, they believe we are in a bad situation. If you ask those young people to pray, they will be asking God to give us resources. But God has already given us what he should give us.”

Kolade however advised that believers should rather be praying that “God will teach us how to apply all that he has given us.”

He noted further that the believer has a critical role to play in salvaging the country.

According to Dr. Kolade, there is a need for believers to deploy their identities in their interaction with the larger society.

He stressed that the way to have a better country is for those who are Christ’s representatives to live out their identities.

He said the role believers play in society is different from their identities.

Kolade: God is one who determines my identity

His words, “At the end of the day, my creator is God almighty. He is the one who determines my identity. He is the one who has given us the identity that we carry. The mistake we make is that we think of our roles as our identity. This is not true.”

While the believers’ role in society is important, Dr. Kolade said the identity of the believer is more important than the role of the believer in society.

He recalled while he was serving in the UK as Nigeria’s envoy that people believed ambassadors must always paint a good image of their country and tell lies. He however said as a person who carries God’s identity, he was not going to do that.

“Those who want to tell lies will tell lies, not because of their role but because it is in their nature to tell lies,” he noted

He said further, “God has defined our identity as a model, a special person, a holy nation. The Bible says our conduct should be honorable. I am a person of truth; because he has given me the holy spirit that leads me to all truth. I am a person of excellence, humility, integrity, I am dependable. I am honest, I am working hard to achieve what I am achieving. The believer should bear this in mind and work with this mindset.”

On how to navigate between one’s identity as a believer and one’s role in society, Kolade said, “Always make sure as a believer you do what is right irrespective of what people perceive about your role. Combine forces with those who share your views and make sure your influence is extended and expanded.

“None of us can do anything by ourselves. Rely on the power of the holy spirit to do what you should do. Let those who interact with you know who you are, tell them what they can do. Commit all things to God.”

Read also Christopher Kolade: Shocking testimonies that shaped my life: https://churchtimesnigeria.net/christopher-kolade-testimonies/





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