
Bobrisky is a risk to Nigeria he should be in jail- Sunday Adelaja

by Church Times

Nigerian born Ukraine based pastor, Sunday Adelaja has expressed great concern over the lifestyle of Bobrisky, the self-styled cross dresser who has been on the Nigerian scene for a while now.

Bobrisky was born as Okeneye Idris Olanrewaju. Born to a polygamous home, he is one of those children who grew up trying to mimic women. But he has since grown to make mimicking women a lifestyle reaping millions from it.

He has a large followership on social media especially Snapchat with about 22000 daily views. He lives large and talks proudly of his lifestyle. He reportedly posted the picture of a N7 million cash given to him by his mystery bae, social media word for baby.

His influence has continued to grow among young people. He was described as the most searched individual between October and November 2016. Though a man, he poses and dresses like a woman.


Pastor Sunday AdelajaBobrisky should be in Jail

But Adelaja expressed shock that he was being allowed to carry on with this unconventional lifestyle describing him as a social risk to the country. Adelaja said, “He should be arrested and jailed. We need to raise a campaign against him. This is what the civil society should do. People should rise against him and stop him from spreading this evil lifestyle”

While expressing shock that many Nigerians who should speak are keeping quiet he said, “Allowing Bobrisky to continue to influence young minds is a potential danger. There is no problem if he wants to be a gay. But then he has no right to inflict his lifestyle on others. He should not propagate that lifestyle. In Russia for instance the gay lifestyle is permitted but a gay is not allowed to go about promoting his lifestyle. The danger with what he is doing is that young children with innocent minds are watching and may be carried away by his lifestyle and want to imitate him.”

Bobrisky a gay, should be in jail for propagating gay life

Responding to the defense that he is not a gay but a cross dresser, Adelaja who made his mind known during an online interview on his internet channel on July 1 said there was no way Bobrisky could claim that he is not a gay. “Such story is for the fools. If he had remained at being a gay I would not have asked for his prosecution. But what he is doing is even worse than being a gay. But he can’t claim he is not a gay because there are people I was told who claimed to have slept with him. He is propagating a lifestyle and people will be copying him soon. The fact that he has even become a celebrity means he is changing the consciousness of the whole nation. He is super imposing a lifestyle on the whole nation.”

Adelaja also wondered why President Mohammadu Buhari is not doing anything about him adding however that Buhari may be afraid of being called a dictator. He said if he were to be in Nigeria he would have done something that would ensure that he is removed from the scene.

He said, “It is a shame that the guy is rubbing excreta in the face of the whole nation. Many Nigerians are being plagued with the plague of silence. There is a plague upon every Nigerian that is silent over Bobrisky. He has plagued you all. It is a shame on the whole country. It takes just one day to lock him up forever.”

The Ukraine based pastor asked rhetorically, “Are there no pastors in Nigeria anymore? Where are the Islamic clerics? Bobrisky was a Muslim. He now claims to be a Christian. Are there no pastors to checkmate him? What are the pastors doing? What is the Vice President who is a pastor doing? Why is everybody silent over him?”

Still puzzled, he asked, “How can a country that allowed Kemi Olunloyo and Otobo to be locked continue to allow Bobrisky to walk freely and allow him to be celebrated and nobody is locking him up? We are totally in a mess.”

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Josephine Adekunle February 18, 2021 - 3:52 pm

This post was disgusting. Bobrisky should be able to act and dress the way she likes to. Nigeria should grow up and mature, you are acting like a third world country the way you guys are banning homophobic people. I am happy I moved to England so I can be as gay as I want to be. So old-fashioned. Here you are writing a news article, whilst Bobrisky is getting millions for doing what they love. Grow up. Christians are so annoying, God says to accept everyone for who they are and what are you doing ?? Not accepting people.

Eniola January 1, 2023 - 9:06 pm

This Pastor is very stupid. You’re opening your mouth wide to speak against Bob but you can’t provide solution for Nigeria’s economic crisiEniolas and corruption. I think you should focus more on the leaders rather than being an irrational boy covering his irrationality with the masquerade of Christianity


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