
High court judge testifies of miracle healing after sowing seed to Adeboye

by Church Times

Balogun, Lagos high court judge testifies of miracle healing after sowing seed to Adeboye

A Lagos High Court Judge, Hon. Deji Balogun has testified how God miraculously healed him of an unknown sickness after sowing a seed into the life of the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church, Pastor Enoch Adeboye.

Balogun gave the testimony at the Holy Ghost congress of the Church currently holding at the Redemption City, Ogun State

Balogun who said he is being addressed in the RCCG Circle as AP Deji Balogun disclosed that his ordeal began in February 2018. That month he came down with a sickness doctors could not diagnose.

Hospital trips, yet no solution

In an attempt to get solution to the sickness he visited an expensive hospital in Apapa, Lagos where he was told that nothing was wrong with him. He proceeded from there to the United States of America. He met consultants there but was given a clean bill of health.

“In the US doctors said I was okay; that nothing was wrong with me. I said these Americans don’t know what they are saying. I then travelled to the United Kingdom where I was told the same story that nothing was wrong with me.” He said.

From the UK, Balogun travelled to Dubai where he met specialists’ doctors who shook his hands and congratulated him that there was nothing wrong with him. This was after they had checked him from head to toe.

Balogun healed at last

But the high court judge knew all was not well. “I was torn inside of me. I was not okay. My health had affected my work. I could not go to the court. I could not go to church either,” he said.

By then, it was clear that his case was beyond medicine. He moved to the Redemption camp and sought to meet with Pastor Adeboye. He eventually got appointment with Adeboye on May 7 2018.

When the appointment had been secured, his wife asked him to take a seed along while going to see the man of God. But he was adamant wondering what kind of seed would impress Adeboye. He did not take anything along but still went to see the RCCG General Overseer.

He met Adeboye and prayers were offered. But according to him nothing happened.

Nine months after he became desperate and sought the face of God earnestly to be delivered from the sickness.

“I tore my cloth and wept and cried to God to heal me. But then I heard a voice say to me that the Lord had healed me the day I went for the prayers on May 7 but that I did not sow a seed to bring the prayers to pass.”

That was when it dawned on him that he had to take a seed to see the man of God. He wrote an undisclosed cheque thereafter and took it to the camp, dropped in the box for Pastor Adeboye.

Three days later, he said he got a telephone note that whatever he had been praying for had been answered.

That marked the end of the sickness. An ecstatic Balogun told the mammoth crowd at the Holy Ghost Congress that he had promised that if God healed him he would build parishes for the RCCG. He declared that he had built RCCG parishes in Bariga, Egbeda and Ojuelegba parts of Lagos.

  Cancer healed

So many other testimonies where shared at the congress including that of  a US based Nigerian, Olabanke Akinjayeju who testified how God healed her of stage 4 of cancer in her left breast.

She said the Lord used pastor Adeboye to pray for her after she had refused to continue with chemotherapy treatment in the US.

She had requested to be brought to the camp and had seized the opportunity to meet with the RCCG G.O who prayed for her. After the prayers she began to have dreams where the Lord showed her several Bible portions which pointed to her healing and deliverance.

She got hold of the scriptures and started confessing them. In the midst of praying a dove landed in their house and refused to go. The dove according to her has become their pet.

But then the Lord healed her completely. Interestingly her husband is a physician while she is clinical pharmacist.

Insanity disappears

Another testimony of one Adewale Oluwaseun Opeyemi was also striking. He testified how God delivered him from the spirit of insanity which came upon him while in faraway France. He also testified how he was delivered from 15 years of sleeplessness.


That was after he had been prayed for by Pastor Adeboye during one of the special services at the church’s headquarters in Oyingbo, Lagos. Another encounter where he met Adeboye during one of his prayer walks on camp where a blessing pronouncement was made on him put an end to the 15 years of sleeplessness.


There were other testimonies of miracle deliveries, raising of the dead and multiple births shared at the congress which is expected to wound up today.

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Daughter Zion December 20, 2019 - 3:55 pm

The testimony of Hon. Deji Balogun is the most ridiculous I have ever heard. Hear him:
“I tore my cloth and wept and cried to God to heal me. But then I heard a voice say to me that the Lord had healed me the day I went for the prayers on May 7 but that I did not sow a seed to bring the prayers to pass.”

Whose voice did he hear, definitely not the Holy Spirit maybe he was recanting his wife’s voice. This is purely a product of wrong teaching. He said he cried to God to heal him, his healing would have definitely come even if he did not sow any seed to Pastor Adeboye, has Adeboye become a god that helps God Almighty to bring down answers to prayers. This is total rubbish and has relegated God to one that depends on man.

The book of Daniel told us how God answered Daniel’s prayer the very day that he prayed but the king of Persia (demonic forces) prevented the answer from coming. An Angel had to be sent to fight the demonic forces, no human intervention was required except that Daniel continued to pray and this is in line with the teaching of Jesus about praying without ceasing. Hon. Deji Balogun has shared God’s glory with Adeboye, I hope God will not re-visit his issue because He is a jealous God.

All the mumus in the RCCG convention that heard this testimony will start to do likewise, instead of having faith in God, they will start giving their hard-earned meagre money to sow seed into the life of Pastor Adeboye and his like. Some may argue that Adeboye never asked anybody to do this but he also never discourage people from not doing it, his silence means consent. It is not a matter of what Pastor Adeboye did, it is what he refused to do, he need to stop this nonsense and teach the purely undiluted word of God that he used to preach in the early 1980s. I pray Pastor Adeboye ends well and not allow the praise and worship of people to send him to hell.

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[…] Read also: Balogun, Lagos high court judge testifies of miracle healing after sowing seed to Adeboye: […]


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