Should Christians divorce?

At no point should pastors recommend divorce to couples- Bisi Adewale  

by Church Times

President of Family Booster Ministry, Pastor Bisi Adewale has said at no point should pastors recommend divorce to married people while also insisting that there is no marriage that is beyond redemption.

 Adewale was responding to a question at a recent event when he made the submission. The video of the programme was shared on his Facebook page.

 He expressed surprise that people are quick to dispense with a marriage that is not working. But when people are sick or their vehicles break down on the highway, they look for a solution.

 According to him, if we consult doctors when we are sick or reach out to a mechanic when our vehicles have issues, why is it difficult to reach out for help when our marriage is troubled?

 He said when a marriage is more than five years and it has a problem, what that marriage needs is not counselling but clinical attention. “At no point should divorce should be encouraged in marriage We were never taught to divorce.

 “The couples can separate for the time being so as to seek help but not divorce. We are supposed to seek help. No marriage does not work, we are the people not working it.”

 He noted that when some couples have issues with their marriage they consult family, friends and fans adding that these categories of people can’t offer any significant help because they are emotionally attached to either of the couples.

Also read: how to get a right partner for marriage-Bisi Adewale:

 Citing the example of what is done in his ministry, he said, “When couples with troubled homes come to us we put them through clinical therapy. The therapy can take close to 9 weeks depending on the issues being addressed. There are forms they will fill out answering many questions that will help us to diagnose the problem with the marriage and proffer a solution.

 “We have had an 85 per cent success rate applying this method. Usually, we take such couples through pre-marital training and expose them to some resources that help them see the need to reconcile.”

 While emphasising that his ministry brief does not get to the level of recommending divorce, he said, “We encourage separation. And we encourage couples to seek help from independent marriage experts. When my younger sister had issues in her marriage, I did not handle her case. I had to introduce her to another marriage counsellor to do it. There was no way I could have done a good job because she is my sister and I am emotionally involved.”

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