Sunday Adelaja tackles Matthew Ashimolowo on polygamy and tithing

by Church Times

Ashimolowo and Adelaja on polygamy and tithing



Pastor of Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations Ukraine, Sunday Adelaja has taken on Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo of Kingsway International Christian Centre on his position on tithe and polygamy.


Pastor Sunday Adelaja

In a recent video which is currently being circulated online, Adelaja faulted Ashimolowo for saying polygamy is Biblical but not fundamental while saying tithing is biblical and fundamental.


Adelaja explained that not all things recorded in the Bible are biblical. “To be biblical means it is being approved of God and it aligns with the spirit of the Bible. But not all things in the Bible is Biblical. Sometimes Satan is talking in the Bible. But then the words of Satan are not biblical. There are evil men and evil kings whose words were recorded in the Bible. But they are not Biblical.”


He said further that “the problem with the church in Africa is that everything in the Bible is regarded as Biblical because it is recorded in the Biblical. For something to be biblical it means it is not contradictory to the teachings of the Bible. It means God approves it. The fact that polygamy is recorded in the Bible does not mean it is biblical. There are things recorded in the Bible to show that God condemns them.”


Ashimolowo had said polygamy is Biblical because David had more than one wife but not fundamental. “Some things are biblical but are not fundamental” Ashimolowo said. But Adelaja insists “it is wrong interpretation of the Bible. Many pastors don’t know how to balance the words in the Bible.”


Mathew Ashimolowo

He also punctured Ashimolowo’s position that tithing is Biblical and fundamental quoting Mathew 23v23. Adelaja said, “Matthew 23v23 is not addressed to the followers of Jesus. He was talking to the Pharisee. And he was not asking them to pay money tithe. He was saying they pay tithe of mint, dill and cumin not money tithe.


“There is no place in the scripture where money is paid as tithe. The only place where money is allowed is in Deut. 14v22-28 where the Lord says the people can exchange their tithe for money in case the produce they are carrying is too heavy for them and that they should eventually use the money to buy what they like and eat. That is the only place where tithe is mentioned in connection to money.”


Adelaja explained further that he is not against tithing in the sense that it encourages the believer to be disciplined financially. “I pay tithe and encourage my members to pay tithe but not to the church especially if you cannot trust the church. I believe they can use their tithe to improve lives around them. I don’t believe tithing is commanded in the New Testament. We are under no obligation to pay tithe. Nobody should force you to pay tithe. But on your own you pay out of love. Tithing helps you to be disciplined. It is a good practice. It is a way to express love. I believe it should be done with love. It is a discipline that people should be encouraged to practice but it is not compulsory.”

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