
Covid-19: What the Lord told me today March 27- Apostle Johnson Suleiman

by Church Times

Covid-19: What the Lord told me today March 27- Apostle Johnson Suleiman


The senior pastor of Omega Fire Ministry, Apostle Johnson Suleman has said the current plague ravaging the entire world known as coronavirus is a consequence of power tussle between two nations.


In a mid-day broadcast on his online platform, Suleman said the Lord spoke to him today March 27  2020 while he was praying that what is going on is a conspiracy between two nations but it boomeranged.


Suleman who is known for making regular prophetic utterances says, “God says it is a power tussle and it is sliding towards the new world order. He said they are working on a vaccine and people will be given condition before they get the vaccine. And because people are desperate they will want the vaccine and they will be made to sign a treaty.”


He explained further that “This affliction came from a bat and a serpent and the Lord said it was a conspiracy that went out of their hand. It was meant to be kept and taken to a nation and the nation to be polluted but it went out of their hand and killed them.”

While declaring he does not care what people say on the social media he said, “I will say what the Lord has told me. I heard it from the Lord. I will say it because it is a power tussle between two nations. I heard this from the Lord. When the Lord began to talk to me I had so much peace. There will be different natural disasters henceforth but those who know the Lord will be preserved. You have a legacy. Study the Bible.”


He said he had always thought the anti-Christ would come after the literal blowing of the trumpet, but the Lord told him the operation of the antichrist has begun.


On why people are dying from the ailment he said “it is because the wickedness of man has reached the heaven.” He promised to give a full detail of what the Lord told him at a special programme tagged “fire night” this night.

Watch the mid-day broadcast here



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Precious Dunamis April 27, 2020 - 10:37 pm

It’s an apostle there… I love the spirit, we couldn’t have asked for more from Apst. We celebrate your grace. The word from Apst is aptly inked, More like confirmation of Pst Chris on his teaching of the new world order and internet of thing. We have overcome this!

matthew March 24, 2021 - 4:46 pm

The vaccine is out and no treaty is required ,The vaccine is free and nothing attached to it not even money.


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