Why God may depart from His anointed servant- Pastor Enoch Adeboye

by Church Times

Anointed servants may fall out of favour with God



Pastor Enoch Adeboye

Though some believers hold to the word of God that the gift of God is without repentance, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye says God cannot continue to use the anointed servant of His that refuse to continue to bear fruit and live in accordance to his will and purpose.


He made the disclosure today April 18 being the concluding day of the online workers cum ministers meeting of the church.

Making copious reference to a number of scriptures and instances in the Bible, Adeboye said maintaining an anointed life is altogether challenging.

He said, “If the ally departs the story will change. Delilah asked Samson what is the secret of his strength. When he divulged the secret to her the enemy moved in. He got to a point that he wanted to go out like before but he did not know that God had already departed from him.”

He said further, “There are people who believe that no matter what you do that God will not depart. That is not true. We can’t continue in sin and expect grace to abound.

John 15v1-7 makes us to know for instance that if you are not bearing fruit and you’re not winning souls, God will remove you. When he removes you, you dry up and end up in fire. Christians who don’t win souls are walking a dangerous ground.

“Some of you are lukewarm and it shows in the way you pray, the way you say amen, it shows in the way you behave. If you don’t want to do anything for God get out of the way. If you’re lukewarm, out you go. That is what the Lord told the church of the Laodiceans”

He said further that God will not be an ally to a liar. “Rev 21v8 makes us understand that one of the set of people that will not inherit God’s kingdom are liars. Why will God hate lie so much? Gehazi lied to the man of God and he got leprosy. In Acts 5v1-11 Ananias and Sapphira lied and they died immediately.


“Stop lying in any form whatsoever. Don’t put your signature to a report that you know is false. God hates lie so much because the basic distinction between God and the devil is lie. John 8v44 gives us a clue about this. Everything about the devil is a lie. But God is not a man that he should lie. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The difference between a child of God and the child of the devil is that children of God tell the truth always while the children of the devil tell lies.


“The next time you attempt to lie tell yourself I am no longer a child of the devil. Lies, no matter how little will cause God to stay away from you. Lie is not just one fellow born by one mother. It has a brother and a sister. The brother is called hypocrisy. In 1 Tim4v1-2 we are made to understand that a backslider speaks lie in hypocrisy.”


The RCCG overseer then warned against hypocrisy. “Stop being hypocritical. The sister of lie is called flattery or exaggeration. Calling someone what he is not, presenting facts that are not accurate are all ungodly. The book of Job 17v5, 32v22 give us a damning verdict for liars. The Bible says the flatterer will die young. Don’t exaggerate, don’t flatter. Psalm 12 v3 says God will cut off the flattering lips.”


He asked, Can you imagine a liar trying to cast out the devil? adding that believers should “use their tongues to heal and not to kill. Use your anointed tongue to win souls. Use it to cast out demons and to call the dead back to life. Stop lying. Stop hypocrisy. Stop exaggeration.”


He noted that “Anointed people are always quiet people because they know if they misuse their tongue the almighty God may depart from them. In Psalms 141v3, David cried to God and said, set a watch Oh Lord before my mouth. The next time I want to lie shut the mouth, don’t let it be open to speak a lie. There are some great men of God who were used mightily of God in time past but now they are shadow of what they used to be because they began to lie and entertain a little bit of hypocrisy here and there. Before they know it, the power is gone.”


Story by Gbenga Osinaike

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