Caterer once poisoned my food because of my message –Bishop

by Church Times

Anglican Bishop: Caterer once poisoned my food because of my message

Anglican Bishop

Rev Yahaya

Story  and Pix by Rev’d Paul Okwuobi


Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Kaduna, The Rt. Rev.Timothy Yahaya, has said he would have died but for God who prevented him from eating the food prepared for him by the caterer at a wedding ceremony where he officiated.


Yahaya shared his experience while ministering at the Open Heaven Fire Conference this morning March 18 in Asaba, Delta State Nigeria.


The Bishop revealed the caterer poisoned his food which was packaged for him after he had finished officiating at a wedding service.


According to him the caterer was not happy with the sermon he preached.


But as God would have it he did not eat the food rather he got home and gave the food to his dog.


He said “The dog died before finishing the food”.


While warning the congregation to be careful about how they eat and where they eat, he said many have ended their ministry because of food.


The Rt. Rev.Yahaya also frowned at the attitude of pastors who demand all manner of fees, food and drink before conducting weddings stating that such demand can terminate any pastor’s ministry.


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