Adeboye narrates how one of his ‘sons’ passed on… says miracle is meaningless if Christians don’t end well

by Church Times

By Gbenga Osinaike
The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye this morning at the ongoing Holy Ghost congress emphasized the need for believers to end their race on earth well while also narrating how one of his sons, apparently a spiritual son passed on.
The congress which attracted thousands of people filling the new and old auditorium will come to an end this evening with a holy communion and anointing service.
Adeboye who was expounding the theme of the congress, Song of victory, explained to the enthralled audience that any victory they receive that does not lead them to eternity with God makes no meaning.
He said the greatest and most devastating opposition a man can have is to be opposed by God stressing that if you are a believer and you have peace with God, there is nothing the enemy can do to you.
Making reference to Paul’s declaration that he had finished his race and ended well, he said, “There is nothing as sweet as making it to glory. We can only claim to be victorious if we end well with God.”
He then shared the story of one of his sons whom he described as “yoyo” Christian. He said this son, was always falling and rising in his Christian walk. But that he ended his race with God well.
He said, “That my son was always falling and rising in his Christian walk. But suddenly he fell ill and his wife called me to come and pray for him. He had been ill for a while. When I got there, he had almost gone. He could not open his eyes and could not talk. But his wife said to him that Daddy G.O is around. When he heard my name, he managed to open his eyes and made effort to utter some words. I bent low to listen to what he was going to say and he said to me, “Daddy I made it”. At that point I wanted to shed tears but I had to fight the tears back because of his wife. I left the place and went home. By the time I got home his wife called me and told me he had gone to be with the Lord. I told the wife I knew. I was happy for him. I was then free to shed tears of joy. I was happy that he made it.”
He said the pursuit of people should not be the miracle but pleasing and doing the will of God. “We can pray for you and be healed. But the truth is that you will die eventually. You may be poor and we pray that you will be rich and you are rich, ultimately you will die. Jesus prayed for Lazarus to rise from the dead. He rose from the dead. But with time over the years he died. So, what is important is being with God in eternity. Any victory that does not lead you to the place of Christ is no victory.”
He noted that he had lost a couple of sons in the year adding however that his joy “is that they ended well. If God opens our eyes we will see that they are with God in glory. That should be the desire of the child of God. To make it to the end. To end well and finish well.”
Earlier at the programme, Pastor Joe Olaiya had ministered calling forth people to surrender their lives to Christ.
The former president of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Pastor Ayo Orisejafor also ministered powerfully at the congress stressing on the favour of God and how to activate it.

1 comment

Toks Emmanuel December 9, 2017 - 7:02 am

If people will remember that eternity isn’t here. If we would remember that we are sojourners here and that what matters isn’t the lures and the things of life but our souls… We’ll do well.

But now we had told them how heaven is on earth. How raiments are better than the body. How the ultimate is on the earth… God have mercy on us…

We need to reverse the narrative… Let’s tell the bare truth… Nothing we have will make it beyond this earth except our soul and our salvation… If that salvation is missing, the soul is lost outside God for eternity… We should know and do the needful


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