
Princess Odunayomi: Communicating love, inspiring hope is my calling

by Church Times

She has her hands in many pies.  She is a teacher, life coach, writer, author, publisher, journalist and musician.

She is the Publisher of Spinsters World, a relationship cum lifestyle magazine and host of a monthly event called Queenkins Get’ogether.  It is a forum where mature singles from different walks of life gather to rub minds on mind-boggling issues.

 But in the last couple of years, Princess Odunayomi who was a one-time woman editor of Telegraph Newspapers seems to have chosen to be a blessing to indigent folks. And, that is what informed the birth of Jubilee Cares Initiative, which is the umbrella body of all she represents.

 But she sings too; a passion she says has graduated to becoming a ministry.

 Odunayomi says, Music gives her joy and keeps her going against all odds. She says, “I enjoy singing at every opportunity. As a matter of fact, I wake up every day either humming or singing out loud in adoration of the Almighty. Any day I don’t sing, something must be seriously wrong somewhere.  Music is simply my life!”

 She reveals that another close competitor to that is handcraft, which she confesses to equally love with great passion.

Love for the destitute, hope for the hopeless

 However, she says in all she does, communicating love to the destitute, and inspiring hope in the despondent remains her core assignment in life. She uses the tools of speaking, writing, and music, amongst her other interests to serve the needy and the despondent.

 During her youth service several years back, she served as the state choir/prayer coordinator under NCCF; Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship; Minna, Niger State Chapter. She says she would forever remain grateful to God for the opportunity to serve in that capacity.

 Now armed with a single track and a five-track album, Princess Odunayomi says it’s heavily impressed upon her heart to take the message of love and hope via music to the world.

 To that effect, she had been privileged to minister in music at some foremost Pentecostal churches in some states within Nigeria.

 She also gets invitations to talk with young people on sexuality and real-life mind-boggling teenage challenges; as it relates to friendships and relationships.

 Still, on her music career, she recalled ministering in a particular indigenous song at an interdenominational Church programme in Ibadan, Oyo State a few years back. And a lady walked to her after the ministration to ask if she could get the CD of the song to buy. Unfortunately, none of her songs had been rolled into an album then.

 The most exciting aspect of the incident was that the lady neither understood nor spoke the language of the song, yet she insisted the song not only touched her but that the Holy Spirit gave her an in-depth interpretation of it while the ministration was going on.

 “So, I make bold to say my music ministry fits in perfectly in spreading the message of hope I have been wired to propagate,” she said.

Odunayomi: God is never late


 But then, one may wonder if it is not late in the day for her to start this ministry of singing?

She responds, “Is anything called late in God’s agenda for man? God is never late! When it comes to life issues, I believe there are times and seasons! And since God is the one who has drafted the blueprint of our destinies, He alone knows what is written there, and the time for the different manifestations. God makes all things beautiful in His time.

 She adds that what makes good music is the impact of the music on the lives of people. “A good music is not just the beautiful voice of the singer, neither is it the instrumentals, but the totality of the message, the presentation, the lyrics, plus the vocals.”

 She submits that there are so many people hurting, people who don’t read the Bible, but who listen to music. Therefore, for music to be considered as good and inspiring, it must either reinforce love or revive hope. 

 While declaring that she prefers being called an inspirational singer, she said, 2cor1:3&4 is the anchor scripture in the pursuant of my assignment.  In that scripture, Apostle Paul tells us to comfort others with the comfort we have been comforted with.

 “Hence, inspiring songs are not one anyone wakes up to sing just to make money or compete with some other people. No, they are songs one renders to inspire hope, and thereby cause healings, and influence changes in lives,” she says.

Music, money and ministry

 On music and money, she offers, “Money aspect is key for the music ministry. The Word of God says a priest that labours on the altar deserves to eat from the altar. I will appeal to well-meaning individuals and organisations, to “throw out lifelines” to Music ministers; particularly the upcoming ones. Give them platforms to minister, and bless them.”

 She observes that many good gospel singers have embraced worldly music just because of the acceptance and money they get there. The secular music industry has the mammon and it is being used to promote all manner of things that edify not. But the Church is often not ready to support talents within her fold. Which is so unfortunate!”

 Author of the book, “Mothers, Where Are You?, 191 Empowerment Keys, You Are Not Condemned, amongst others,  Odunayomi who studied Economics Education at the Obafemi Awolowo University emphasized that Jubilee Cares Initiative which she birthed about three years ago has the primary goal to reach the poor.

 She told Church Times that after a particular birthday, it became an annual event to reach out to the less privileged. But the desire became intense about three years ago when she discovered the need to expand her capacity in that “outreach”.

That made her float Jubilee Cares Initiative, which is the rallying point for all her dreams and projects. The implication is that all the money she makes from other endeavours in life is thrown back into the initiative.

She noted that though the needs can be sometimes overwhelming, with a heart of love, one can always get the means to reach out to the needy.

“It is not the size of the gifts, but the love behind it, and the heart to give that matters. Sometimes we think it’s until we have millions before we reach out to the less privileged, but it is not so in many instances. With just #5,000, the life of somebody could be turned around.

A mother of two children once walked to me and said she needed just that amount to start a petty trade which she would gradually turn over to establish herself. What a pity.

“Some of them have problems settling their rent of just about N30k per annum. Yes, that amount is not out of this world, but they just don’t have it. It hurts anytime I see a family around me with such needs which I’m unable to meet. That is why I am appealing to well-meaning individuals and families out there to also look out for the needy in their vicinity, and begin to reach out to them from time to time. See Matthew 25: 31-46. The Word of God says “Whosoever gives to the poor lends to God”. This means it is God who rewards such giver. And we all know what it is when God  rewards one.” She concludes.


For Speaking Engagements, Music, Counselling, Event Anchoring,

Princess Jubilee Odunayomi can be reached on

?+234-8028698592.(SMS only)


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