Understanding the Bible dimension of this season by Rev Chris Okotie (3)


Reverend Chris Okotie is the Shepherd Superintendent of the Household of God Ekklesia. This is part three of the five series of articles which give a Bible dimension to present global phenomenon


So, what we see here, is the law of God, broken by the manifestation of the golden calf. The golden calf represents money, and then, Bill Gates identifies with the golden calf, because he, at a time in this earth, in history, was the richest man on the face of the earth. And rather than channel his money and his wealth to the demonstration of Biblical truth, or good, or the service of God, he directs it to idolatry, and subjects that to the rule and control of Satan so that he can participate in the destruction of the laws of God.

The anti-christ operation is called the mystery of iniquity, that is, the secret power of law-less-ness. And so, in the destruction of the first set of commandments, the first Ten Commandments, we see the golden calf in opposition. Then Moses had to go back and bring another set, and we have number two, which is the number of witness, testimony. So he becomes the one who identifies with the ten, as I’ve enumerated unto you. So he becomes a pattern, not only for Solomon in his wealth, and his wife as the Shunammite, but also becomes a pattern for Moses, concerning the Ten Commandments. Because, what he’s trying to do, is to demonstrate the mystery of iniquity, and through the vaccination and certification, he would establish the mystery of iniquity, at another level that is more visible.

Are you still here? Alright. So, I’m putting all these things together, so you can see his connection with the Bible, and why he’s prominent in human history at this time, that it’s not a coincidence or an accident, but it’s by the pre-determinate counsel of Lucifer himself, who seeks to challenge the authority of Almighty God, upon the face of the earth. What he is doing, is working with the United Nations, to give the command, because, we are commanded to do these things; it was not a suggestion that we should go home, it was not a suggestion to us that we shouldn’t go to church, we were commanded; we were forced to do so, just like Moses commanded the Jews. Bill Gates is the one who is representing Lucifer, as the ten commander. Please remember these things.

There are two rituals that are carried into the New Testament, from the old; baptism, communion. What is communion? Communion derives from the Old Testament, it comes from the creation. So, for you to understand communion, you’ve got to go back to the Genesis chapter one. And I begin again to read and to quote it. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, and God said, let there be light, and there was light. And God saw the light …”. Now, in these verses, the first thing that is brought to us, is that, God has a mouth; God said, let there be, and God saw the light that He commanded to manifest. So we know that God has a mouth, God has eyes.

In the second chapter in the seventh verse, we’re told that out of the dust, the Lord God formed Adam. The word formed is the Hebrew word Yasar; it’s to work with clay, so, it’s a picture of a porter, working with his clay, using his hands. So, we see the hand of Almighty God. So we know that God has a mouth, He has eyes, He has hands. These are called anthropomorphisms, because, they describe God, configured as a man. We are made in His image and in His likeness. We have one head because God has one head, we have two hands because God has two hands, God has two feet, God sits down, God had a mouth, God has ears, God has a nose. These are anthropomorphic dimensions of Almighty God. So when the Bible says we are made in the likeness, it’s a reference to how we are configured, physically.

The image of God is a person. So, what it means it that we were made like God, and in the image, that means, placed in Christ because Christ is the image of God. You were placed in Christ, and that’s what Paul was talking about in the new creation; If any man is in Christ, you are re-placed; re-positioned. That’s where Adam was placed in the first creation. The image of God is Christ. He was placed in Christ, to become what he was. And now, there’s a new creation, and man the who receives Jesus Christ is placed again in Christ. And so, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, because there was an old creation in the book of Genesis. Amen.

Are you still here? Alright. So we see how these things interplay. So find that when God demonstrated His creative ability and the power, He used three of His members; His mouth, His eyes, His hands, as a pattern for Adam to follow, so that he can crystallize the divine mandate which God gave to him to subdue the earth, and replenish it, and to take dominion. God was showing him; if you’re going to do that, concentrate on these three members; your eyes, your mouth, your hands. Are you still here? So, the devil understood that, and that is why, in the temptation in Genesis chapter three, he made sure that these three members were involved in the fall of mankind.

For we read in the third chapter and seventh verse, the sixth verse, the seventh verse, when you go through the process, it is written; “When the woman saw, that the fruit was good for food …”. How did she see the fruit? Her eyes. She identified the particular fruit with her eyes. “And when the woman saw, that the fruit was good for food and pleasant to the eyes …”, again, “she took it”. How? With her hand. And then, she ate it, she put it in her mouth. So, the three members, her mouth, her eyes and her hands, were involved in the temptation, so that they would neutralize the power that God had placed behind these members, for the achievement of the divine mandate committed to Adam.
And that is why, at communion, Jesus reverses that fall in that process.

So, at the table in the upper room, He said to His disciples; “Take”. When He took the bread, He said; “Take, eat, this is my body”. How did they take it? Their hands. How did they see it when He said, this? They identified it with their eyes. Where did they put the bread? In their mouth, to reverse what the enemy did in Genesis chapter three. That is what communion is about. That’s the history of communion. But it does several things, see, from what I said to you. In the communion that is popularly referred to as the last supper, we entered, not only into a position of healing through the bread, but we entered into a place of forgiveness, through the blood.

Our faith is predicated on the finished work of the cross, it is vindicated by His resurrection, that is, the resurrection of Jesus, and it’s crystallized when we personally appropriate His blood, through faith. Are you still here? Alright. So, we depend on the blood. Through that blood, we have peace with God: That’s the new and the living way; through the blood, through the veil; His body, we come into His presence. Alright.

So, what the devil has attempted to do, is to create the pattern of communion in this situation. You say, Pastor, how? Communion involves that which is solid, and that which is liquid. The bread is solid, and the wine is liquid. That’s what this is all about. Bill Gates, as Commander of the Ten, he has dealt with the solid, which is what the bread is, by affecting what we eat, in what is called GMO; Genetically Modified Organisms, now found in what we eat.

This is the pattern for the bread. A vaccine, on the other hand, brings the liquid to you, are you still here, just like the blood, and it is injected into you, because, when you drink the wine, it goes into your system. So, it’s injected into your system, so that when you consume the GMO’s, and you receive the vaccine, you bring the body and the blood together; so to speak, just as it is in communion; the body of Jesus Christ and His blood. That’s what replicates that pattern. Are you still here? And I told you, that the reason for the communion, is because it affects you on three dimensions: Your eyes, the vision. Your mouth, the words that you speak, because, the power of life and death resides in the tongue. Your hands, your enterprise, what you can do. Are you still here? Alright.

So, what Bill Gates is doing; under the auspices of the United Nations, is to make sure that you receive the food … Many people did not complain about GMOs’, because they didn’t understand where this was leading. They thought it was just changing whatever nutritional values these things have, but they do not understand the spiritual import: But now you know. So, when you eat that genetically modified food that you eat, and you take the vaccine, you’ve entered into communion with satan, with Lucifer, and that communion involves blood.

Now, since the blood of Jesus is not what he’s talking about, or what he has to offer, he will require you to seek blood somewhere else, and the only place that you can find blood is another human being. So, one of the things that the vaccine will make you do, is to become a ‘vampire’, who needs to drink blood for sustenance. But we as Christians, we don’t drink the blood, we drink the wine, which is an emblem of the blood, and that sustains us spiritually. But his communion will require you drinking blood consistently so that you are a vampire for your sustenance. That is why you have seen all of the movies about vampires.

Hollywood is one of the mouthpieces of the god of this world. He has many prophets there that are directors, and that are actors and producers. You say, why does he say what to do ahead of time? Because he is an imitator of scripture; of our God; see. Martin Luther called him the ape of God. He imitates God, because God; through prophecy, will tell you what He wants to do ahead of time; and you can’t change it. So, to provide the same pattern, he has his people telling you this, like Rockefeller Foundation, and all these things that they say to you; ahead of time: And they assume that there is nothing that you can do about it, because, this thing going on now, was already predicted, they had already talked about it. They must provide the pattern; the pattern, because, that’s where the power comes through. So, they must provide that pattern. See?

That’s why they do their movies, to tell you what they’re going to do. Because the drug that’s inside this vaccine will make you a zombie; you’re a walking cadaver, you’re neither dead nor alive, so you can be controlled by the power of Satan; zombified, so he can control you. He has the power. That’s why it’s called sorcery.
In the book of Revelations, when the Bible talks about the reason why the people on earth cannot turn away from their sin, even though the judgment of God is manifest, the Bible says it’s because of their sorceries. That word is a translation of the word Pharmachaea; it’s a reference to drugs. That is not talking about drugs that you can easily swallow, or pills that you take, because, that will be too expensive for the devil; to turn all of the world into drug addicts; all of us. Now, he can do that, so, the easiest way to do it, is through vaccines.

So, everything he needs to put in the drugs is in the vaccine. That’s why you see in the movies that deal with witchcraft like Harry Porter, things like that, you will see them stirring this liquid, because, when you take that, that’s the drug, that’s the pharmachaea, the reference to the drugs. It opens doors in the soul realm, in the mind realm, that God had shut, because of the sin of Adam. That’s why those who play around with drugs when they take these drugs, they begin to hallucinate, and they begin to see things. Because doors that were shut, are open, because when you take these things, you become susceptible to witchcraft, and you can now leave your body into what they call astral travels and things like that.

You need those things as a catalyst, they facilitate the movement from physical into the spirit realm. And all of those things are in the drugs. So, just as communion connects you to the Lord, through the bread, which connects you to the body, which gives you healing, and the wine connects you to the blood, which gives you forgiveness. That’s exactly what the devil will do, or is already doing. The GMO’s will connect you to Lucifer, the vaccine will connect you to Lucifer, concerning your body and your spirit, or your soul, so he can control you. That way, he can determine the population of the world, because, all he has to do, is command you to die; you kill yourself. Or command the disease to kill you, and he can reduce the population of the world through that, or turn you into a zombie, just like I said:

He can do that. Then he controls what you say because that’s what communion does. Our mouths have power and life, and for Satan to control our mouths, we must begin to say words that are contrary to the Bible. In the New Testament, there are two words that describe evil. There’s the word, kakos: When a man is doing evil, and just wants to do evil, and deals with the consequence of that evil, he doesn’t care about anybody else. He just wants to do evil, and then he’ll bear the consequences. But there’s another word called, poneros, which is used to describe the evil of this world.

That is evil that is done by a man and he does it in such a way that he drags you down by the evil that he commits. So he wants you to be a partaker of the consequence of the evil, even though you did not partake in the evil, because those two words are used to describe Satan’s operations. kakos; people who do evil on the internet, and then do not care about anyone else. They just purveyor, they sell evil, they do evil, they attract evil, they communicate evil with the things that they say, they blaspheme God, they speak enchantments and divinations contrary to the word of Almighty God.

Then you have others who are poneros evil, who do things to seduce others, so that they can participate in the consequence of the evil, and drag you down with them.
Then you have the news; the media, speaking lies in hypocrisy, saying things that are contrary to Jesus, saying that Christ is never news. So, that’s a part of what the communion is going to do. It will control what you say; your enchantments, your divinations, pontifications, lies, like what is being sold to us, that we are all children of God, that all we have to do, is do good, that the sacrifice of Jesus is not that needful, like ecumenism, like interfaith, like inter-religious gatherings. All of those things will be spoken through the mouth.

Then your vision: The Bible says; without a vision, the people perish, and so, the devil must give you a vision, contrary to the vision that God gave to Adam, or to his children. That is why you see the kind of movies that we are seeing today, where violence is promoted, where pornography is at its apogee. We see those who work against moral perpendicularity. What we are seeing is filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, like never before. One of the reasons why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, was not just the fact that they were sodomites, but because they were advertising their sin, in total defiance to God.

And that’s what we are seeing today, where men and women no longer care whether there is a God who superintends our universe. They do not care: Do what you feel; that’s the law now. If it feels good; do it. WILL – I AM; William, where God is no longer God, but man is God unto himself, in what we call secular humanism, where man is trying to attain good, without the assistance of God. Because, if you take God out of good, what you have is a big fat zero; totally unserviceable and unproductive. So we’re going to have divisions. You turn on your television today, what you see; I cannot even describe to you. Through music, through movies- You see, even within our own local context, yeah.


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