Understanding the real purpose of creation by Ladi Ayodeji

Ladi Ayodeji

creation: Understanding why God created the world

Amazing works of God

The real mission of human kind in the world has been the subject of debate or conjecture throughout the ages. Scientists, thinkers, writers, philosophers, religious leaders, spiritualists, etc., have all spoken and written on this important subject. The purpose of creation is a topic we shall continue to discuss for as long as men can reason.

I have decided to visit this subject because many young people have no idea why they were born, or what they are doing in the world. They have very little genuine information about the purpose of creation and their own role in it.

Many folks think that they are here to make money, get married and enjoy the good life; if possible, make heaven, assuming they are Christians. Well, these are part of man’s earthly mission but there’s quite a lot to it than the acquisition of material wealth or prosperity. It is good to be rich and enjoy life, though.

In fact, there’s a passage in the Bible that says, God has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant- Ps 35:27 but life is not all about material wealth, or soul prosperity. Life is far deeper than all of those.

Why are we here? We are here because God created us, including all other living things, to inhabit the earth. For what purpose, you may ask? It is to fulfill God’s purpose and bring glory to Him here on earth. However, God created us as independent beings. Everyone has their own mind to decide their own purpose. Here is the catch: Everyone must fulfill their purpose within God’s larger purpose or His expressed will.

In other words, you may have your independent will to pursue your dreams or fulfill your own purpose; so long as it aligns with the expressed will or purpose of God, you have no problem.

Remember, man and everything on earth were created to bring glory to God. That means, your dreams, desires, ambitions, goals; what have you, must bring glory to God. Whatever you do must bring glory and pleasure to God, otherwise, you are operating outside the will of God. That’s what most people don’t know.

Where’s His will found? God’s will has been fully and conclusively expressed in the Bible, God’s rule of faith; the divine corpus of revelation. You cannot find the divine will anywhere outside the Bible. That’s the truth.

Anyone living in Nigeria for instance, is free to pursue their dreams and do whatever gives them fulfilment so long as it is within the bounds of the law, which is fully expressed in the constitution. Anything you do outside that in our country offends the constitution; it is a trespass of the law and you can be sanctioned. That’s how it works with God also.

If you transgress God’s law you’d be charged with sin and punished by the Almighty God. It works same way. Although, you are given a free will or freedom to live and pursue your vision, you can only do so if you are careful not to offend the law of the Almighty God. We all have our boundaries marked by God’s law.

Anything you do, say, achieve or become in life is to the glory of God; whether you know it or not; you are enabled by God, to succeed. Why are we here on earth? To declare the glory of God by our exploits for ourselves, and for Him in heaven. When you prosper, God is happy because you are fulfilling His purpose. He said in His word (Bible): “My wish for you is that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers”-3John 2. That’s God’s desire.

Soul prosperity involves all our desires. Why are we here? “Even the heavens”, the Psalmist says, “declare the glory of God”. The heavens here refers to the abode of God Himself; then the firmament; the skies, the moon, the sun, stars, vegetation, clouds and host of them that are up there.

They all perform their duties and thereby declare the glory of God. Animals, plants, living and non-living things also declare the glory of God. They do so because they have life and are able to live according to God’s purpose.

The rich, poor, famous, brilliant, everyone, everywhere, live and achieve to the glory of God. What you possess is to His glory because, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, including all that is in it”-Ps 24:1, says the Bible. So, God owns everything, He only made you a steward of his property; someday, you’d render account of how you managed everything He gave you, including your life.

We are all stewards of God’s possessions. We are all here to do the will of God. Nothing was created for the fun of it. Our God doesn’t like wastes. You should understand that you were made for exploits. Man was created to enhance the earth and make it better. Therefore, brace yourself up for challenges. God has given you the power to be a success.

Don’t allow anyone discourage you. You have God’s backing to be great. You can have the best of everything you desire. It is to the glory of God, so long as you operate within His laws of liberty.

Memory Verse: Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store – Deut 28:5

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Send Your Nagging Questions To: PASTOR TELL ME – 

ladibest16@gmail.com  09059243004 (sms, email, whatsapp only)


Q: What, really, is sin?

A: Any wrong doing is sin; anything devoid of faith is sin (Romans 14:23).

Q: Can my wife and I worship in different churches?

A: I don’t recommend that. It is no right.

Q: Is it necessary to go on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem?

A: No! I have no scripture to support it.


 Pastor Ladi can be reached for speaking engagements, counselling or mentoring via 09059243004 (sms, email & whatsapp only).



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