Word Power: This Saving of Souls

Ladi Ayodeji

By Ladi Ayodeji

Imagine someone who is seriously sick;in dire need of medical attention.Relatives of such a person would do anything to save them from death.

They will do the utmost to get money to pay medical bills and take care of their sick. That’s what we, natural men and women do; we go any length to get healing for the sick.

In some cases, people go for spiritual solutions,if the victim is believed to be under demonic possession or attack. Simply put,we care for the sick with due diligence and at any cost.
Our God does the same for us.

He never desires the death of one single sinner, but that all may come to repentance. That’s God’s desire. That was why he made the plan of salvation,such while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us.

The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is the single most important event in history after creation itself. We shouldn’t take it lightly; we should never take it for granted.I can preach the soul winning gospel all my life because it’s worth the effort.

Nothing comes close to soul winning; nothing is quite as important to God. You were bought with a price when you were redeemed. That price is the blood of Jesus. You were saved from eternal death.

You,too, must make strong efforts to get others saved by telling them about the plan of God to save mankind from damnation. Every Christian is under obligation to spread the message of salvation; it’s not an option.

Pastors should emphasize this point to their congregation.
We go all out to save the sick.We do it everyday.We must do much more to save the lost and all those that are perishing.

We must bring the good news to others, otherwise, they can’t hear the gospel,and if they don’t hear it, how can they believe it, and if they don’t believe it, how can they be saved? The Bible says, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news.

Anything you break a good news, you spread joy. The heavenly hosts rejoice when a soul is saved.
This work of salvation is very great indeed; very important, very delightful to the Lord Jesus Christ because that was why he gave his life for you.

Did you know that, it’s only in God’s kingdom that there’s no unemployment? The Bible says, the harvest is always huge but the labourers are few. Imagine if all the jobless folks in the world’s labour market decide to go soul winning!

The kingdom of God would reap an unprecedented harvest of lost souls.And,I bet, millions would be richly blessed.
Soul winning would dramatically reduce iniquity in the world,as millions repent and forsake their sinful ways, the righteousness of God will spread in the earth, and peace, love and unity are bound to reign everywhere.

This salvation has many tentacles; many great possibilities. It has a lot of positive dimensions. If the righteousness of God reigns in the earth, crime would reduce, evil would be widely shunned by many; love, trust ,peace and joy would cover the earth.

Don’t underestimate soul winning; it’s the fulcrum of our kingdom service. It’s superior to rendering service to a sick patient.Yet,we never want our sick, loved ones to die.We should never allow our unsaved relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and others to die without Christ, either,that would be the greatest disservice to them. It’s too bad!

Today,I am amazed how people ignore salvation and pursue money, power, beauty,position,fame, and other material acquisitions. The Bible says,seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all other things will be yours.

God is not trying to stop you from material acquisitions,he only wants you to seek the most important things first: his kingdom and his righteousness. Once you have these ones,he will give you every other thing you desire,far above your imagination.

Finally,I want to give this admonition. Give a fraction of what you spend on routine health checks,medical tourism,leisure,dating,luxury,skill acquisition, expensive toys, conspicuous consumption,parties, and other such items on soul winning.

Use a small fraction of your budget to sponsor evangelism, small outreaches,big crusades, and the kingdom of God would be edified.
Scripture References: Luk 10:2,Dan 12:3,Matt 16:26,Jn 3:16.

Ladi Ayodeji is a Counselor,Speaker, Author and Pastor. He can be reached via 09059243004, WhatsApp only.

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