
“Without the Church, Nigeria would have collapsed”

Pastor Rotimi Oyekunle

Pastor Rotimi Oyekunle is the Serving Overseer of His Master Piece Church. He spoke with Church Times’ Isaac Ngumah on the state of the nation and the church.

Nigeria has been bedeviled by the challenge of leadership over the years. Do you think godfatherism is the bane of our leadership crisis? 

Godfatherism has been a phenomenon in Nigeria ever since. I don’t see it stopping soon. The fact about life is that nobody gets to any position without some level of intervention by some other persons of influence. You can either call them godfathers or benefactors. The bottom line is somebody helps you to get somewhere.

From the Bible’s standpoint, Jesus Christ did not get to where he was going without John the Baptist. There are people whom God has positioned at different points at different places in our lives for our progress. It happened to Joseph and it will happen to everybody.

So it depends on how that relationship is managed. If it is such that is being subjected to some form of pressure that is when it becomes a problem. But if it is for the sake of achieving something good that will benefit society  I do not see anything wrong with godfatherism.

We all have God the Father and God will use somebody to help us. The influence of godfathers is not a new phenomenon. It is just how it is being managed as stated earlier. It is wrong for godfathers to put pressure on those they help. Those who have received help from people should also be charitable enough to acknowledge them and give them the honour they deserve. In the case of Nigeria, I think the inability to manage the influence of godfathers is the cause of the leadership crisis and not necessarily the presence of godfathers.

But do you think our democracy is going well? 

I think we have not done badly so far. We have recorded some progress.  We have had a backlog of issues and liabilities that every successive government has battled with since we started this democratic journey.

Yes, there are some things successive governments have not managed well. That is where prayer comes in. We need to pray for those in authority. Nigeria is a complex country. We just have to trust God that this current government will be able to repair the damage that has been done to this country. Sincerely, we all have to be patient because change is not sudden.

Are we not supposed to be worried that money is the order of the day going by how the last election was conducted in Nigeria and how politicians used money to influence votes?

That is the order of the day. It is everywhere in the world. So when people talk about money politics I often look at them. Without money, you cannot do politics. That is why everyone who wants to go into politics must have some form of connections and godfatherism. But then there is a need for caution. People should deploy money wisely and not allow it to becloud their sense of judgement

Do you think real constitutional democracy can thrive in Nigeria?

There is nothing that cannot grow in Nigeria, it depends on who is pushing it and it depends on the willingness of the government to abide by democratic tenets.

I think it will be a good idea if the reports of the 2014 confab are implemented so that Nigeria can experience a new lease of life. It is time we return to the regional system of government. We need to embrace the six geopolitical regions. Let the regions manage their resources and give say 30 percent to the federal government. But then I think everybody has to be patient because change does not come suddenly. It is gradual.

What do you think of the idea of a rotational presidency?

That is part of the ideas being propounded. It is a good idea because it allows every region to have a taste of power and it allows every region to contribute their quota to governance. I believe that a rotational presidency will lead to economic reawakening and stability

What in your view is the contribution of the church to Nigeria?

Without the Church, the country would have crumbled and broken into chaos. The church is one of the many platforms of hope available for the masses of this country. Religion is one of the things that has helped to boost hope in the lives of those who seem to have no hope when a person has a fighting chance to see a transformation.

I believe the church has given hope to a lot of people. The church has given a prophetic covering to the nations. The church which is the light of the world and also the salt of the earth has made an impact on the nation through schools, health facilities, and many other infrastructures across the country.

The Church has been a source of courage and hope. It has been very impactful to the society at large. It is one of the institutions that has kept the nations together. Without the Church, Nigeria would have disintegrated long ago. So let us not underestimate the church.

What is your view of President Tinubu’s presidency?

I think God allowed him to be the president and God will help him to accomplish the vision of making Nigeria better. We are praying for him until God says otherwise. There is hope at the end of the tunnel. By God’s grace, we will see the transformation of our nation.

How will you describe your experience in ministry since you started?

My journey so far in the ministry can be captured with one word.  I am a man sustained by grace. A man held by God. Without God, there is nothing I can accomplish. My focus  in ministry is to see God transform lives and to ensure I keep myself in prayer and the ministry of the word so that everyone who comes across me becomes a better person

What then have been your challenges in ministry?

I don’t see anything negative that comes my way as a challenge. I see them as a maturing process. I see them as lessons to be learnt I see them as areas one needs to work on and become better.

I have gathered enough experiences that God is with us, that when you hold fast to the word the truth will prevail. When you hold fast to the word he will send helpers before your shame. He will show up before you crash and his mighty hands will receive you, before you think that all has finished. He will start a new chapter by releasing the potentials of heaven and also he will send helpers at the points of your need.

How has your ministry impacted the nation?

God has helped us to train entrepreneurs. We have helped people with their school fees. God has helped us to restore homes and build new homes. We have done what we call true religion which is to feed the poor, to help the needy, the widows, and orphans. Above all, God used us to bring many to His kingdom.

What are the plans for the future of the ministry?

We have a one million soul mandate and every year we target thousands of souls to reach. Last year we were able to do about 7000. This year we target 10000. Evangelism is one of the foremost things we should do as disciples of Christ.