Who you know Vs who knows you


I am the Good Shepherd, and know my sheep , and am known of mine”- John 10:14, KJV.

Nevertheless the foundation of GOD standeth sure, having this seal, THE LORD KNOWETH THEM THAT ARE HIS, And, Let everyone that nameth the Name of CHRIST depart from iniquity. – II Timothy 2: 19, KJV.

There is a general belief or opinion being held by some people that the calibre of people they know may determine their pedestals or how high they can rise in life. This may be true to some extent. But the real truth lies in the fact that ” Who really knows you matters more than those you know”.

You may claim to know several people including highly placed personalities in the society by virtue of many contacts on your phone.

But when the chips are down and you found yourself in situations that are beyond your control, the pertinent question that may arise is ‘ Who really knows you and be ready to offer you a timely helping hand or assistance?’.

Incidentally , the identities of such people may still be hidden until certain situations or life experiences bring them out.

I came to this reality when my beloved mother passed on to Glory recently. Even though she was old enough at age of 100 years but I knew that the domestic accident she had about 4 years ago which she couldn’t recover from fast tracked her ageing process since couldn’t move around or did things by herself unaided.

Less than 48 hours before she gave up the ghost, I became restless in my spirit by virtue of my premonitions confirmed by the Medic who was overseeing her treatment and I needed to travel immediately.

A Contractor who promised to pay us some money before or by Christmas last year- 2024 failed to honour his promise even till the time of writing this message. And so I started to send S.O.S ( Save Our Souls) kind of texts to some of the highly placed friends / close contacts that I thought I know, but no response came.

It was when the incident happened that GOD used another person – a Muslim whom I didn’t contact to prove the provision of Psalm 46: 1 real in my life. ” GOD is our Refuge and Strength, a very present Help in trouble “.

Thereafter, GOD started to touch the hearts of others to reach out to me including the Leadership and Members of my local Church in Abuja and some of my family members and friends.

How GOD decided to intervene in my situation and in that particular experience confirmed the need to relate with people across social, ethnicity or religious strata because we may not know who really know us and who may make themselves available as instruments of divine intervention to render unto us timely support when the need arises.

More importantly, there is the need to place ourselves in vintage positions where GOD can see and recognise us as His Own to enable us benefit from His acts of benevolence and above all Mercy.

In a nutshell, to attain certain heights in life with the attendant benefits, it is not enough to claim to know certain classes of people. Rather, what matters more is for people whom GOD will use as our Destiny Helpers to know us.

Of course there is the need for GOD to know us too. This aspect is more important while interceding for others and especially the Nation.

In other words, if GOD does not recognise a particular Intercessor or knows him or her, how can He answer the person’s prayers for others talk less of the whole Nation.

And so for our beloved Nation – Nigeria to be saved from our present challenges and self inflicted predicaments, may GOD in His infinite mercies raise His Own Intercessors whom He knows in the order of Moses, Samuel and Daniel for us in JESUS Name.

Olakunle is the General Secretary of National.Prayer Movement

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