The Antichrist Spirit in Yoruba Politicians

By Moses Oludele Idowu

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” ( 1 John 2:18)

The anti-Christ

There is a reason why God allowed John to close the chapter of the Bible and the entire Canon of the Scriptures. Even though he was one of the first Apostles called directly by Christ and the closest to Him he was left to perform this assignment and nothing could destroy him until he has given what is perhaps the capstone of prophetic and apostolic Revelations. A capstone is the final cover or lid to form a pyramid.

Because John knew Christ so intimately and loved Him so passionately it was easier for him to discern what is contrary to Christ even in minutest details. It is not surprising that he it was who spoke and wrote about Antichrist, antichrists, the Antichrist Spirit and even the mark, number and image of the Antichrist.

In these Last Days we do well to pay great heed and listen to John and what the Spirit is saying through this last Apostle to the Church of the Last Days in which we now are.

A major thrust of his message is that the Last Days would be characterised by antichrists and the spirit of antichrists. So who are antichrists and what do they do? An antichrist is anyone who supplants Christ, uses Christ and His agencies, means, Name, graces, etc., for his own personal purposes.

An antichrist is anyone who subverts the truth, usurps His Place in the lives and worship of his people. And, also, an antichrist is one who works against Christ and His people, who by actions and steps pave the way to bring the Church into bondage like Saul of Tarsus or one who seeks to exterminate the Church like Haman.

It is a wide definition and some are subtle antichrists while others are openly so. They are all working for the Antichrist whether they realise it or not. They are laying the foundation of the Throne of Antichrist.

In these series of articles we shall see how this spirit works among men even well- meaning people.

In the previous article on this series I provided a historical foregrounding of how the antichrist spirit entered the Yoruba cosmos through the way, manner, spirit and pattern of religious acceptance by the Egba and how a mixture resulted in the largely nominal effete Christianity that emerged. In subsequent essays I will examine this spirit among the Ijebus, Igbos, other religions, institutions, modern government, economic policies etc.

Yoruba politician

In this essay I want to concentrate on a segment of Yoruba – Yoruba politicians.

One thing bothers me each time I reflect on Nigeria – the seeming hopelessness in the moral, spiritual and even intellectual qualities of the people who aspires to govern, especially in those who claim to be Christians. It is not surprising that many of them have done great havocs to this nation.

Another thing that surprises me is the discrepancies in the Muslim attitude to Government compared to their Christian counterparts. The Muslim when he gets into Government becomes more Muslim and more committed and sees himself as a missionary to advance the cause of his religion and of Allah whereas the Christian politicians
or.those of them who claim to be Christians toss Christianity through the windows once they get into Government.

They are worse and arrogant and like traitors to Christ they even end up doing more havoc to Christianity. They toss aside the principles of the Bible and seek only their interests, just as an antichrist naturally would do. ( See the definition again). Strangely they are even ready to satisfy other religions, placate them and destroy or betray the Faith of their own fathers if necessary just to keep their fleeting positions. And they would even go out of their way to do this. Of all

Nigerian politicians Yoruba Christians are the worse when it comes to this manifestation of the antichrist spirit. They are the greatest betrayers of the Faith of Christianity and Christians would be making a fatal mistake to.think that they have Christians in Government. These are not there for you or for your interest or your Faith, they care nothing about that and would toss your Faith through the windows in exchange for mere crumbs from their godfather’s table. These are the real antichrists that John warns you against.

The Fourth Republic

Although we have had various Yoruba politicians with different ideological leanings the Fourth Republic happens to be the worst when Christian values and truths are cast overboard by politicians who claimed to be Christians.

The truths of this essay are discernible and vindicated among Fourth Republic “Christian” politicians than at any period in history. The older Yoruba politicians were not like this to be sure. Awo for instance would have defended his right as a Christian without owing anyone an explanation or feeling any need to kowtow to Islam just to curry favour. Same with Bola Ige or Adekunle Ajasin. And they would have defended the secularity of Nigeria as enshrined in the Constitution unlike the Know-nothings, antichrist Yoruba politicians of today who are not even sure of anything or firm on anything.
Thus I would draw most of my cases from this Fourth Republic to show how this spirit has permeated “Christian” Yoruba politicians.

Occultism & Fraternity

I take it as given based upon the teachings of the Holy Bible and the Holy Catholic Church ( the brotherhood of believers) that a Christian worthy of his name should not be a member of any Fraternity, secret societies or Occult. Unfortunately the foundation of politics in Yorubaland is steeped in occultism, Fraternity and thuggery. Occult means have been engaged by politicians from the beginning.

I was given to understand by eyewitnesses that during the ‘Operation Wetie‘ here in the West in 1965 these thugs were so versed in Occult science that when they approached a house or shop and started it was only the shops of the members of the other party that would burn, all others in the same building would be spared. They were so accurate like using remote- control technology today and without any collateral damages. They didn’t attack any innocent who did not belong to political parties.

They knew those who were innocent and their members and the enemies instinctively through Occult means. That was in the First Republic. How about that?

The founding fathers of Nigeria were all occult men and men of fraternity. Both S.L. Akintola and Ahmadu Bello were members of Ogboni Fraternity; both Zik, Awo and Bola Ige and many of their associates were Rosicrucians.

However these were largely men of honour and even though members of these societies they would not sacrifice Christianity as is being done today by the new hegemons. Moreso they were fighting colonialists who themselves belonged to lodges and esoteric fraternities themselves. This foundation of occultism is still intact in Nigerian politics.

Most of your Yoruba politicians even today in this Fourth Republic are occult men or sympathetic with occultism or use the methods of occultism. Both Olusegun Obasanjo and Olusegun Osoba who played prominent roles between 1999 & 2003 are Ogboni Fraternity members. [ Possibly ( but not certain) Bola Ahmed Tinubu too. With the occultic setting of Lagos traditional institution you can’t be made an Asiwaju if you are not part of the occult setting.

The whole Eyo mask system is occultic just as virtually all traditional institutions in Yorubaland. In point of fact the Traditional Institution is the root, mainframe and even roof of occultism in Yorubaland.]

It was also in that Ogun State that a lawmaker was found in pants, naked swearing to a fetish oaths before a political godfather. And when the agreement went awry the photograph was leaked to newspapers. However, in a curious twist the lawmaker in question admitted that he was indeed the person taking the oath but he insisted that the godfather administering the oaths was no other person than his own governor, Otunba Gbenga Daniel. That is not libel or defamation because these facts are in the public domain and I am stating them as revealed as a researcher.

A former governor in Oyo State was known to use even leg chains on his ankles. This is a sign of initiation in some Occult groups.

Both Kayode Fayemi and Olu Agunloye, governor and ministers of Yoruba extraction were members and leaders of Pyrate Confraternity, although these are brilliant ones and I won’t lump them in the same category with others. Fayemi is an intellectual of repute and I give that to him. His opposite number, Ayo Fayose, the voluble, noisy, arrogant and pompous but largely empty, son of CAC pastor was even different.

He claims to be a Christian and religious but his actions and speeches betray Christianity – a mark of antichrist. A man who has been described by his own Deputy Governor, Aluko as “a serial fighter” and who once at a State Security meeting wanted to engage in physical fight with the Director of State Security Service who had frontally accused him of being behind the spate of assassinations rocking the state with his thugs.

Senator Iyabo Anisulowo of Yewaland added another dimension to the angle with her experience in PDP. She said the party operated as a cult and for a woman to rise she must have to sleep with the occult ruling elites or leaders of the party which she said she could not do. Hence she was dropped from the party. Thank you woman of honour.
These are the reasons why honest people rarely emerge in governance but dudes, mediocres, cultists, yes-men etc.


A student cult leader confessed that politicians sponsor and recruit them, pay them and even give them the weapons they require and the emotional support needed. In one state the Registrar of the State Polytechnic wrote a book against Cultism and invited the Speaker of the House for the Launching.

The Speaker had to personally beg him that he could not come because if he did he would be removed from office. Then he added this word: “Don’t you know that the governor is the chief financier and sponsor of cultism on campus and in the state?” I won’t name the state in Southwest.
These are the “Christians” you have in government, antichrists, cultists.

That is why occult-related crimes are usually protected and frustrated during trials. 7 students’ leaders of OAU were gruesomely killed in 2001 by sponsored cultists, the students apprehended the criminals but the court refused to try them even with the evidence. They are now free and working free today. This is Yorubaland and these are your politicians – thieves and robbers, subverters of the Law and Due Process.

Disrespect for the Christian Faith and Ministers

One major characteristic of these Yoruba politicians of the Fourth Republic is their utter disregard for the Christian Faith and even the ministers of the Faith and – by that means – the God of Christianity. Whether they realise this or not I do not know or whether it is one of their occult requirements I do not know. This is where Muslim politicians differ greatly from the antichrists that claim to be politicians of Christian Faith. I will cite a few cases.

In a fit of anger Chief Olusegun Obasanjo abused an ordained minister in his clerical collar from Plateau State who had asked a question. “You are an idiot, I am a better Christian than you,” said the President. In the previous riots in Plateau when indigenous Christians were killed Obasanjo did not visit but in the other riot when the natives had the upper hand and many Fulanis kicked the bucket, suddenly our President found time ajd quickly rushed there to Plateau to intervene.

This is one characteristic of so- called Christians in Government: they feel they owe Muslims a favour and they must sacrifice Christianity and Christians if necessary instead just as an antichrist would normally do. This was why the minister asked why Obasanjo did not visit during the previous riots but was rushing when it went the other way

Now this is where I am going. Even Sani Abacha at the height of his lunacy would not publicly call an Imam or a Sheik “an idiot” publicly for asking a question. I now see why PDP politicians who work closely with Obasanjo like Chuba Okadigbo, Awoniyi usually called him, “the antichrist.”

Contempt for Christianity

Most young people may not know this today but the elders will remember this about Chief Obafemi Awolowo. In his lifetime whenever he was attending a church and he has no ceremony directly to perform he would stay at the back of the congregation so that his presence wouldn’t be a source of distraction from worship among his several admirers in the congregation.

That was a man who honours the Christian Faith unlike the several Know-nothings of today, empty and boastful, lacking in spiritual culture and devoid of any philosophy. Although many are trying to turn him to a god now he never saw himself like that in his lifetime.
Compare that with the Yoruba politicians of today, some of who claim to be Awoists!

The whole Christian Community of Ondo State represented by Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) went in protest against the killing of Deborah Samuel and demanded to see the governor to convey their message to Abuja. It was a peaceful protest.

This octopus, Rotimi Akeredolu refused to see them and sent his deputy instead to address the entire Christian community and their representative in a state that is more than 70% Christian. How about that? Which Muslim governor would treat his own faith community that way? Which Muslim politician would do that to the entire representatives of Islamic Faith because he is in Government? And Rotimi Akeredolu was the son of a Reverend for that matter. How about that?

Whereupon the leaders of the Church cursed his government and tore it to pieces and God affirmed their declarations because “the Earth He has given to the children of men.” He realized his error much later and tried to make a restitution but it was too late; what has been pronounced has been pronounced.

Possibly this was one reason he couldn’t complete his term. God tore his government because of arrogance and contempt for Christianity and its ministers.. This is the classical illustration of what I am saying about the type of people we have in government especially Yoruba politicians. They didn’t really learn much from Awo, if they ever learned anything.

Sacrificing Christianity to please others

One terrible flaw or thing about Yoruba politicians who claim to be Christians is the havoc they do to Christianity in their rabid quest to satisfy and placate others.

A Muslim politician does not feel any duty to Christianity; an Isese practitioner and politician does not see any need to promote Christianity but when a “Christian” politician gets into government he sees it as his duty to promote others and trample on his own religion. This marks them out as real antichrists.

Still on Rotimi Akeredolu. It was him who built a mosque at the State House in a state where there are less than 20% Muslims and where a Muslim is unlikely to govern through democracy – a favour and an indulgence that even Muslims did not bargain or clamour for. What remains was to give them the Shari’a court too.

Despite that it did not stop the killing of scores of worshipers in his hometown of Owo on a Sunday morning.

No Muslim politician would build a church inside Kano Government House or Zamfara or Bauchi that has a substantial Christian population. You saw how the Kano State Government quickly destroyed the Gate of the State House and a Roundabout done by previous government because it has a cross – a symbol most offensive to Islam and to many Muslims. This is one major characteristic of Muslims in government: they protect their own faith whereas on the other side they undermine their own.

Akeredolu’s successor, Lucky Aiyedatiwa, seems to be following in the same footsteps of his late boss. Cocky and arrogant he does not command much respect from even fellow politicians.

Few years ago I took him to task publicly in a WhatsApp Group where we both belonged. He had made provisions to give to Muslims during their Ramadan fast which I have no objection to. But my objection is this. Christians too were on Lent at the same time and even if you don’t observe Lent because you are secularised many Christians do. How can you give provisions for one group and ignore the other and of your own Faith if you are not a hypocrite? To his credit he did not answer me.

This is what I am saying about Yoruba politicians and a major characteristic of them especially those who claim to be Christians. And it is only in this Fourth Republic. In the Second Republic Chief Bola Ige administration in the then Oyo State had the Bibles printed and copies given to all secondary school students.

He also asked Muslim leaders to provide someone who could print the Quran for Muslims. At least that is fair. Ambrose Alli did the same in the then Bendel State. These were serious politicians not the tasteless, insipid corrupt know-nothings of today.

Have you also noticed that it is the Christian politicians who declare a day for Isese practitioners as public holiday? Not that I am against it but it is significant that it was not the Muslim politicians who did this, it was the “Christians” in government. Virtually all the governors of the Southwest states today are Christians or claim to be so and what do we have? In what way is Lagos better managed today than when Raji Fashola was there? Not that he was a saint himself!

Refusal to defend the Christian Faith and the truths

One thing you must give to Muslims though, they act as missionaries in Government. They promote, pursue and propagate their own Faith in government while their Christian counterparts like antichrists do nothing and even open their spaces for others or even – which is worse – sacrifice Christianity altogether. [ With this caliber of politicians the future of Christian Faith is uncertain in Nigeria. It could be wiped out without any war. They will throw CHRISTIANITY under the bus without even thinking.]

This is true of Babangida who took Nigeria into OIC without even informing his fellow colleagues in the military; Abacha, Buhari etc. The bearded Ayatollah of Zamfara, Ahmed Yerima introduced Sharia boldly without any worry about Nigeria. By that action he judicially seceded from Nigeria. Sharia is a secession from judicial administration of Federal

Government because it upholds only the enforcement and promotion of one religion, Islam which is a violation of the cardinal tenet of the Constitution that “the government of a state shall not adopt any religion as state religion.” The Shariyaland ( apologies to Chinweizu) has seceded from Nigeria because there cannot be two set of laws in a state. Only two scholars saw this and sounded the alarm then, Professors Wole Soyinka and Chinweizu Ibekwe.

What did the Federal Government headed by a Christian do when this open affront to legitimate authorities was being staged? NOTHING.

Compare this with America.

When Martin Luther King’s birthday was declared public holiday in the United States and the racists of Alabama State vowed not to honour it what did Ronald Reagan do? He threatened to bring the National Guard and even the Army to enforce the Law and Order of Congress.

When the Constitution was being subverted by the Sharia states what did Obasanjo do? Nothing.

Now the evil is coming home and will even reach Abeokuta soon. The evil you don’t fight will fight you. Sharia is coming South. They have conquered the North and now the Yoruba states is next. Council has been established in Ekiti where there are less than 30% Muslims and Sharia Law is being planned for Oyo according to one flier I saw online. And going by the pronouncements of the Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde with his double- speak and dodgy response and incoherence you may take it for certain that the Sharia jet has landed in Oyo State.

By his cunning, opaquity, mendacity and evasive obscurity so characteristic of Yoruba Metaphysics and Religion, this Oyo/ Ibadan man has given the tactical signal that he would not stop them if they want to bring it down South here. This is the kind of Yoruba politicians that we have today. And once it gets to Oyo it won’t stop there it would reach Ogun State and rightly too. Since Obasanjo refused to fight this battle to defend the Constitution as Reagan did in America it should get to Abeokuta too to prove the saying that “the power you don’t use will be used against you.”

Taking God’s Name in vain

When a Nigerian politician wants to deceive or manipulate the people he invokes the Name of God. That is when he would not say anything except in God’s Name. I wonder which God do Nigerian politicians serve. But this characteristic is more pronounced among the Christian politicians than their Muslim counterpart to be fair.

Towards the tail end of his first time in office he was asked whether he would run for second time. He said he was “still waiting to hear from God.” This was Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. Meanwhile the person “waiting to hear from God” was already making plans and working towards nomination and removing all obstacles on his part.

Asked about his leaving the office during his second time, he declared that he would not leave until his projects are completed. Then he added this: “My God is not the God of abandoned project.” In other words he tried to convince Nigerians that even the “Third Term” gambit or elongation project was of God. This is how Nigerian politicians use the Name of God in vain and tries to deceive using God. They speak using the Bible and religious phraseology like lamb but secretly they act and proceed like dragon.

This is one major traits of antichrists. It is not without reason that in Revelation John portrayed the Antichrist as “a lamb with two horns but spake like a dragon.” But Nigerians refused to be deceived and the Third Term project floundered and his god became “the god of abandoned project.”


There is a great God manipulation in this nation and even in the religion and politics.

Ayo Fayose of Ekiti boldly inserted on his postal during his tumultuous second coming that it was “God’s Project.” How is your running for office and contest for position a God’s project? Or do Nigerian politicians serve another god different from the One we all know? Or is it the god of Ekiti cosmos, rocky mountain and undulating topography?

Even while he was publicly pronouncing that a prophecy had been given of his second coming and election he was still heard in a leaked video as he mapped plans with others to rig the election. If it was God’s Project and your election is God’s will why try to rig? Why lead thugs to disable Court proceedings and tear court records?

This is what I am saying about the antichrist nature of Nigerian politicians – they look like lambs but they act and work secretly like dragons..

Then he went ahead and published a newspaper advertorial in Punch telling people not to vote Muhammadu Buhari because he would die in office and quoting the Bible. This is misuse of the Bible for political gains, another feature of Yoruba antichrist politicians.


It is established that most Yoruba politicians who claim to be Christians have done more havoc to the Faith than even non- Christians could do. They have sacrificed the Faith and are still doing so. They see it as their responsibility to bend over backwards to promote other religions and ignore Christianity.

They show much contempt to Christianity and even ministers of Christianity. During their campaigns they are humble and simple but once they get into office they become contemptuous of the Faith even in places where Christianity is the predominant religion.

They speak like sheep and lamb during campaigns but act like dragons once in office and do not feel any need to defend Christianity. This is one chief characteristic of an antichrist – talk like a lamb but act like dragon. This trait runs through all Nigerian politicians but the Yorubas is under examination here.

On the other hand the Muslims are not like this. They defend their own Faith even with their offices and power in government unlike their Christian counterparts.

In my opinion the so- called Yoruba politicians who are Christians are more faithful to their Yoruba- Isese ancestry and religion than to Christianity. Their claim to being Christians is doubtful because whatever you cannot defend is not truly yours.

In closing I have to say this because it is time that it must be said: Christian strategists and even advocates of a secular Nigeria must come together and make concrete plans about the way forward. If you are relying on these men in government because they are “Christians” you will be disappointed.

They will throw you and your Faith under the bus. At the rate it is going Christianity is endangered in this land because these men do not have any sympathy or commitment or feel any need to Christianity as they do their own ambitions.

Some of them would sign away or allow any policy just for a bargain for a Senate seat or even to be free of prosecution after their governorship. That is why you must wake up.You must now work hard and extra too. These are not your representatives and Christianity is the least in their minds. I have warned you, so I am guiltless.

Wake up, you have none to defend Christianity in this Land in Government.

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© Moses Oludele Idowu
December 29, 2024
All Rights Reserved

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