The Antichrist Spirit in Modern Pastors and Ministers

Moses Oludele Idowu

By Moses Oludele Idowu

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
“They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.” ( 1 John 2:18,19)


A common question often asked by many Nigerians is why do our famous preachers and G.Os often stand with politicians against the masses and rarely criticize or reprimand them or speak against their atrocities? Another question often asked is why do we have all these prayers, fastings, ( a church is already embarking on 100 days of fasting) religion and Nigeria is getting worse by the day? Why do we have all these people preaching the Bible the same Bible Luther preached, that Calvin preached but without any difference in the moral quality and state of even many church goers when compared with unbelievers?

These are legitimate questions and I am happy that Nigerians are asking them. It makes my task easy. After reading this essay you will know why.

The Bible is a powerful book, a revolutionary instrument in the hands of a tested human instruments who have been changed by God. It is one reason the Bible was locked up for hundreds of years by Rome while their religion exploited the world. But from the day the Bible was unlocked to the common human imagination revolutions began in earnest in Europe.

Germany was a changed and a transformed place because of the Bible in the days of the Reformers. Geneva was a heaven on Earth in the days of John Calvin. Holiness reigned both in city and church. Bristol felt the impact of Puritans, England quaked under Wesley’s ministry and George Whitefield’s preaching and the Great Awakening which it triggered actually lit the fuse that started the American Revolution. You can confirm all these from History.

William Wilberforce who led the Abolition Movement that stopped the transatlantic slavery actually heard Wesley preached and listened as a youth to the evils of slavery as espoused by that great theologian and exegete of other day. His father was a friend if John Wesley and member of Methodist Church as he was himself.

The preaching of the Puritans made Europe a better place than they met it. And Colonial records from the Archives in my possession actually confirmed that Efon- Alaaye, the seat of Joseph Ayo Babalola was better, and law- abiding and even posted the highest tax payments and compliance in the entire Ekiti division all the days of Babalola. Increased tax means increased prosperity, all things being equal.

My point

Here is my point: both History and experience agree that true preaching from a true servant of God makes society better not worse.

I ask all Nigerians to answer these questions sincerely:

Is Nigeria better today inspite of her churches and preachers? Is Nigerian politics, commerce, government, society better? Are Nigerians more honest today and God- fearing today than before 1842? Is the economy of Nigeria and lives of Nigerians better today than say 50 years ago?

Let me be more specific: is Otta better today than before? Is Yaba or Gbagada or Mowe or Shagamu – the seat of monthly Holy Ghost meetings of RCCG – better or morally superior than other parts of Nigeria?

Then the question: Does the Bible make things better or worse? Does Christianity, true Christianity make society better or worse – in the light of History and even Scripture?

This is the issue I want to address today. This is the puzzle I want to decode. If you have some brain and you can think, you should be able to understand and make sense of what I put forward in this essay and the following series of essay.
I want to explain one of the fundamental puzzles holding this nation and its largely effete Christianity down.

It is my purpose in this essay to show: –

  • Who are antichrists?
  • What does it mean to be an antichrist?
  • What do antichrists do?

After this you will understand why your notable preachers and your cultic politicians are always on the same page and both support each other. You will understand why they often excuse their failings and spiritualise the problem of Nigeria to enable people look away from the real issues, thus sparing the politicians from scrutiny. Because largely they are motivated by the same spirit, – the spirit of antichrist – and both receive inspiration from the same altar and working largely for the same agenda – the enthronement of spirit of Antichrist.

The Spirit of Antichrist

The term “antichrist” needs some theological explanation. This word occurs only 5 times in the Bible and it occurs only in the New Testament and they were used by the same person – John the Beloved Apostle.

This is significant . Only John used the term and even in Revelation 13 he gave us the clear meaning of the “Evil One” that is coming giving us his image, mark, number and his modus operandi, scheme of operation. And John was the closest to Christ and the one who had the last private discussion with Christ after His Resurrection and only two of them knew what was discussed. Not even Peter.

He was also the last surviving of the Apostles who closed the last chapter of the Canon of Scriptures. He knew Christ more than anyone. The more vividly you see Christ and His Glory the clearer you will discern the Evil One, the Antichrist and his systems and image and operations in the Modern Church and even the State.

Antichrist comes from the Greek word anteekhristos which is from two words – “antee” and “khristos”. These terms need explanations. Antee is where the English gets “anti” but it doesn’t carry that meaning in Greek. “Antee” means “in lieu of, instead of, in the room of, because of” and not necessarily”against or opposed to.”

Khristos means the anointed, the Messiah usually applied to Christ.

Thus the term antikhristos ( or antichrist) means anyone or someone who exalts, shows, promotes, suggests, exposes himself or herself by his actions and conduct in place of Christ or above Christ. It also means whoever advertises himself instead of Christ, whoever projects himself in place of Christ.

Thus it means whoever denies Christ by his conduct, actions, manners etc. Whoever refuses to affirm Christ or point people to Him and instead point people to himself is properly an antichrist.

If a person claims to be preacher or representative of Christ and by his life and conduct denies The Christ he is an antichrist. If a man pretends to be Christ minister and secretly he lives contrary to what he professes publicly he is a double agent, a hypocrite. He is an antichrist.

It is not surprising that John in his Revelation on the Island of Patmos describes the antichrist figuratively as a “lamb with two horns.”( See Revelation 13) Lambs by nature do not carry horns. What does that suppose? He is a lamb means he walks humbly like Christ the Lamb of God, he speaks softly like a saint, he walks with humility and wear simple dress like a monk but he has a horn like a goat. Double nature. Openly in humility like a lamb but secretly and inwardly like a taskmaster like Pharaoh. Outwardly they look like men of God, saintly, humble but inwardly they are ravenous wolves, cruel, evil, cultic, double agents.

Outwardly they are known to be ministers of the Gospel and some of their minions would swear about their holiness and would go to war with you if you mention them; but secretly they act like goat with horns pushing many away from the Faith.

Do you know that some of the people today in the world were once in the churches? Many have reverted back into heathenism, Agnosticism, atheism from the cover of the Church.

They can defend their creeds and Constitution even more than the Bible. They value their Rules more than they even the Bible. Antichrists deny the Word because they deny Jesus Christ and whoever denies Christ will deny the Word. They get angry when you question them about their actions in line with the Bible. They exalt themselves above the Word of God.

In some cases too antichrist means opposition to Christ. When the real Antichrist comes he will not only deny Christ he would also oppose Him and take the Bible away.

A stranger can’t be anti-Christ

From here you can see one thing: a stranger cannot be an antichrist. Notice the antichrist was a lamb with horns. It must come in form of a lamb. He must start from the church and as a minister of Jesus Christ. A babalawo, herbalist, magician , witch doctor, Muslim cleric cannot be an antichrist in the proper sense.

An antichrist is someone who profess faith in Christ, who carries the Bible and even preaches it and comes from the Communion of saints. He must go out from the Church. Notice verse 19:

” They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.”

Did you see that? They must go out from the Church. They must proceed from the Household of faith. Notice that they too are lambs meaning that they had something to do with Christ at a point but along the line they got other powers and got into certain terrain and covenants from where they got their horns. Lambs do not have horns.

Where do they get their extra horns from? From Satan, Occult, Fraternity, bahophet illuminati or from Marine powers or from wherever. From where your politicians too get their own power and evil authority. That is why they are united and mutually reinforcing to each other. Someone said Nigeria is plagued by three P’s – Police, Politicians and (occult)Pastors. No be me say am o.

“They went out from us ( i.e from the Church) but they are not of us…”

What do antichrists do?

An antichrist is worse than a satanist. The worst battle we shall fight in these Last Days will not be with satanists but antichrists. When you see a witch doctor you know him and even occultists because they profess where they belong. These are not threatening because you can avoid them.

But when a man is a satanist, attends Illuminati rituals, is a grandmaster of the occult and he is still a General Overseer and Bishop of a church or pastor in clerical collar then that is a real danger to brethren. That is a lamb with horns.

This is one of the biggest problems Nigerian Church has today. How could T.B.Joshua have crept among us and operated for so long in our midst? Even now are there so many Joshuas, more deadly and malevolent because unlike Temitope Balogun Joshua they are educated, they have PhDs and are careful and understand People Management and control and adept at psychological manipulation.

Men who belong to the Occult, who pay their vows to the illuminati, Freemasonry pastors who serve the Beast and working for the New World Order arrangement of Religious Unification.

Long before Christ came the first time prophets and types of Christ came and appeared in the Jewish cosmos. Moses was a type of Christ. Joseph, David, Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah etc were all types of Christ. Christ did not just come suddenly; He came when His Throne had been laid, when the stage was fully prepared by His forerunners.

So also antichrists lay the Throne and prepare the stage for the Antichrist that is coming. There are antichrists and there is the Antichrist.

An antichrist prepares the stage for the coming of Antichrist to the world. That stage is been prepared in government, society, churches and in every sector. They are paving the way for the Antichrist that is coming. That is why your government is always borrowing and drowning Nigeria with debts even when unnecessary because it is important they crash the economy and make NIgeria indebted so as to force this nation into the New World Order of the Antichrist when it emerges. That is why your crude was sold upfront for loans and squandered mortgaging generations.

They are not working for you, they are working for the Beast System that is coming. (In this series of essay I will examine the economic policies too and show how they are not really for Nigerians.benefit but for the Beast System that is coming.)

That is why I say that antichrists are the worst enemies to combat.

This is why Occultism is rampant in society and the Modern Church. Most of your pastors are cult men. Most of your churches act like cults not churches. That is why when you leave them you become their enemy. Jesus made it difficult for people to join Him and easy for them to leave. The Modern Church makes it easy for you to join but difficult to leave. Have you observed that?

You saw the number of Obatala worshipers in their white – white that came the last time the bishop of Ota was doing his birthday? Is that normal for a minister of Christ? Why did they not come during my own birthday? Why is the same bishop always in white and white mostly? Have you bothered to ask?

Years ago when he was doing his son’s wedding the Ooni of Ife leading other chiefs were in attendance. Does that suggest anything to you? Does the Ooni go everywhere – the High Priest of Yoruba Traditional Religion and the Pontifex Maximus of Yoruba Occult Systems? Does that suggest anything to you?

Driving Sheep Away From Christ

The worst part of the activities of an antichrist is driving people away from Christ. Anyone who by his actions, knowingly or unknowingly drives people away from Christ and the Church is an antichrist whether he knows it or not. He is operating under the spirit of antichrist. Whoever makes Christ’s Name stinks by his actions, whoever by His actions make people to question the Sacrifice of Christ and even the Bible and even the love of God is working for the Antichrist not for Christ. Whoever makes men blaspheme the Name of Christ is an antichrist.

He has denied the Word of God. Whoever by his lack of love drives people away from Christ is an enemy of the Cross.
Whoever exalts himself above the Christ of God in the Church is an enemy of Christ, he is an antichrist. Whoever robs Christ of His due authority over His Church and sets himself as the authority is an antichrist.

Whoever uses Christ Name to solicit money to build universities or schools that the children of the same poor lambs of Christ cannot attend is treading the path of antichrist. Using Christ Name for your own purposes is one of the best ways you know an antichrist. That is the essence of an antichrist. Using Christ prerogatives and anointing and graces to subvert His purposes and work for and enthrone another.

Anti-Christ in Old Testament

This spirit is typified in the Old Testament as the spirit of Belial. Hophni and Phineas are typologies of this spirit. They took their own share from the sacrifices before they remit the remaining to the Altar thus desecrating the offering of God. Thereby they made the people to abhor the offering of God.

They also had sexual encounters with women at the sanctuary. Thus the sins of the young men was great before God. They not only sinned against God, they sinned against His Testimony. That is a serious thing before the Throne of God.

That spirit has entered the Modern Church in Nigeria. Misuse of money contributed by the poor for the sake of Christ and gross immorality.

Many have left the Church because of this seeing Christianity as another scam. But Christianity, true and Apostolic Christianity is not a scam. It is real, beneficial and impactful to society and I dare anyone, scholars or laymen, to meet me in a debate to prove otherwise.

One of the bitter cries of David against Saul was that he drove him away from the inheritance of the Lord. Since he could no longer be seen in any of the coasts of Israel it means he could not worship with others, he could not appear before God. ( “Thrice shall all your males appear before me.”) Meaning Saul drove him to go and serve other gods. Anyone who by his actions drive people away from Christ, from His Presence and from His sanctuary is operating in the spirit of Saul, the spirit of Belial, the spirit of antichrist.


How many have left the Church today to go and serve other gods because of what was done to them? How many have left Christianity to humanism?

Do you know that Asari Dokubo was once a member of Winners Chapel? Find out why he left and become an Alhaji and later mercenary or freedom fighter.

One of the young men in Fela’s African Shrine today was once a teen, a choir member in Deeper Life who was disciplined for the same offense that involved pastor Kumuyi’s son too although he was spared the rod. A soul was lost.

Few.days ago a video surfaced on YouTube of a Dunamis Church pastor, one Abraham who due to trauma he suffered in the hands of Dunamis senior pastor he has now left Christianity completely and reverted to Humanism.

People who worked closely with G.Os and even in their houses and offices have told me that but for Christ they should have abandoned the Faith with what they saw.

People who were foundation members of notable ministries have told me of things that even now are still difficult for me to believe. If I mention the names of churches named your blood pressure will rise.

A lady came from Britain to consult her herbalist in Osun State, a very powerful herbalist. As she was about to enter he saw this popular G.O who founded a big church in London but who is now in Nigeria and running business and estates.

She knew this man as the Pastor M. A. and was shocked but the pastor didn’t know her. She went upstairs and asked the herbalist who that person was and what his purpose and the man confessed he was his client. And if she waits more she would see more of them. This lady told pastor Akande herself and gave him the information.

This man carries the Bible and quote Scriptures but he relies on other powers. He looks like a lamb but he has horns. These are the lambs with horns, these are the antichrists and they are now many in the church.

The other day the YouTube was agog and in frenzy when an investigative journalist, Kunle Fasugba broke the news of a herbalist in Ogbomosho confessing publicly that his late father worked and prepared charms for a Chief Security Officer of the G.O of MFM, one Gbadamosi. And he swore with his opele if he was telling a lie although the CSO made many spirited efforts to deny it. Then another allegation broke of another pastor of the same church and dealing with occultism and charms. And you tell me that all these are false and with no elements of truth?

Occult initiation is now going on inside the churches. You read of homosexual initiation of youths by some pastors of RCCG recently. The authority of the church said they are investigating it. They are still investigating it. Possibly by the time their 100 day fast ends they will compete investigation.

Antichrists everywhere. That is why your prayers do not reach God. That is why it is easier now to pray in your house and receive answers than inside the churches. That is why Nigeria is going from bad to worse. That is why it appears God’s Hands is weak from saving.

That is why your politicians are so confident and are not afraid of anyone because they know they are on the same page with your pastors and draw inspiration and strength from the sane source.

What is the difference between a lamb with a horn and a goat? Aren’t they the same? This is why wicked people are ruling Nigeria in clear and quick succession. This is why our “wretchedness has become all the more wretched” to use John Bunyan, the master of allegory’s expression.

In the second part of this essay I will focus on how antichrist operates in the churches and support their antichrist counterpart in government without the people knowing.

“…even now are many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time.

They went out from us but they are not of us…”

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© Moses Oludele Idowu
January 12, 2025
All Rights Reserved

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